Saturday, September 21

Kidnappings in Mexico increased in November; In AMLO's six-year term, there were more than 4,000 cases

La estadística en la era de López Obrador establece que se promedian 115 secuestros mensuales, 27 semanales y 4 diarios.
Statistics in the López Obrador era establish that 115 monthly kidnappings, 27 weekly and 4 daily.

Photo: PEDRO PARDO / / AFP / Getty Images

La Opinión

For: The Opinion

Since the beginning of the presidency of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), in December 2018, Mexico adds 4, 139 kidnappings. According to data from the civil association “Alto al Secuestro”, only lived in November 102 episodes, a monthly increase of 04. 8% versus 93 October.

The states with the highest incidence of this crime in the penultimate month of the year were the State of Mexico with 12 cases, Veracruz with 9 and Chihuahua with 5.

On the other hand, there were eight states that did not register no kidnapping in November: Campeche, Coahuila, Durango, Nayarit, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Tlaxcala and Yucatán.

Despite the more than 4 , 000 kidnappings in the López Obrador era, “Stop the Kidnapping” establishes that this figure is 52. 4% less than 6, 947 kidnappings that took place in the same period of mandate of his predecessor, Enrique Peña Nieto

(2006 – 2018).

But the incidence of this crime is 072. 1% greater than 2, 462 plagiarism of the same period of former president Felipe Calderón (2006 – 2012).

Based on the figures from López Obrador’s mandate, “Stop the Kidnapping” established that 115 monthly kidnappings, 27 weekly and 4 daily.

It should be noted that the organization established that in the first 11 months of 2021 there was a reduction of 13. 9% in the number of crimes compared to the same stage of 2020, when there was 1, 072.

In parallel, Mexico has more than 95, 000 people not located, according to federal government data. More of 93,000 of these disappearances took place since 2006, when the frontal combat against organized crime began. Also, there is a serious forensic crisis with 52, 04 unidentified bodies.

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