Sunday, September 22

Tesla to try accepting Dogecoin to pay for some products: up 24%

Elon Musk hace nuevamente que el Dogecoin se dispare.
Elon Musk makes the Dogecoin soar again.

Photo: Photo by Rūdolfs Klintsons in Pexels / Pexels

Alexa Liendo

Once again Elon Musk announces something regarding his electric car company Tesla and the meme’s cryptocurrency, Dogecoin ; and the value of the crypto moves unexpectedly. This time in favor, as has not happened for a long time. Today Tuesday, the puppy cryptocurrency soared as much as 24% in its value.

The news was that Musk reported on his Twitter account that the The automaker will accept Dogecoin as a payment method , in what it called a “trial period.”

Tesla will make some merch buyable with Doge & see how it goes

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 14, 2021

At the time of writing this note, the Doge was trading at $ 0. on the rise or at least in green figures. On the contrary, the manufacturer’s shares experienced a decline in the first hours, of up to 3%. Musk’s message has been retweeted by more than 40 thousand people.

The detail is that Musk did not specify what type of merchandise could be sold and accept doge as a payment method. He just said “some merchandise.”

Tesla has small merchandise and accessories ranging from $ 50 dollars up to $ 1, 900 dollars. They include clothing, mugs, belt buckles and even a cyber whistle, which went on sale in the past 30 November and sold out within hours.

Elon Musk’s movements and announcements on his Twitter account always wreak havoc Either in cryptocurrencies or in the value of your company’s shares, in this case Tesla.

Last November, Musk asked on Twitter “if he sold Tesla shares”, assuring that he would heed the recommendation, and the survey closed with a 57. 9% approval of sale.

Immediately for Tesla the movements in the stock market began to look negative. Before the opening session the day after your question, the stock fell as much as 6%. And then the drop reached 12%.

Prior to this, Tesla accepted Bitcoin as a payment method for the purchase of its cars. However, in the middle of this year 2021 Musk came back to the Bitcoin issue and let it be known that he was changing his mind. Since then, it is expected that he will announce that he will accept bitcoins as a payment method again, but that news has not yet been given.

Musk has more than 60 millions of followers on his official Twitter account and is active almost daily with the topic of cryptocurrencies and every time he mentions one, or its price falls or shoots up.

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