Tuesday, July 2

What zodiac sign is Elon Musk and how it influences his millionaire destiny

Elon Musk es Cáncer, un signo cuyo instinto, principios y valores es su motor de riqueza.
Elon Musk is Cancer, a sign whose instinct, principles and values ​​is his engine of wealth.

Photo: FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP / Getty Images

Elon Musk has impressive credentials. He has founded Tesla and SpaceX , companies that are making a mark on humanity for their innovation and futuristic vision, but the man behind cool ideas like electric cars and space tourism owns a zodiac sign like every human being, and his astrological traits can reveal why he has been chosen by TIME as the character of the year 2021.

The South African entrepreneur and tycoon has a fortune that exceeds 300. 000 million dollars, making him the richest person in the world to date, according to the magazine. His stratospheric portfolio has not been the product of chance, but of effort, dedication and, of course, great ideas.

Musk is a dreamer who has envisioned humans driving solar-powered cars, vacationing in space, or colonizing Mars. And this vision of the future could be found in your zodiac sign.

What zodiac sign is Elon Musk?

Was born on 28 June 1971 , within the period that governs Cancer , a water sign whose ruling planet is the Moon, so it is not uncommon for your thoughts to be oriented towards space. But beyond his “lunatic” vision, this star is the one that governs emotions and intuition, the latter is the one that has led Musk to climb to the top.

Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac and is home oriented. They enjoy comforts, family, are domestic, protective, maternal, love community activities and conduct themselves with the heart.

Has a contemplative, committed, inward-focused personality , with a sensitive and intuitive awareness. As a cardinal sign, it assumes leadership roles and with maternal instinct. In addition, he is naturally empathetic and sentimental.

The main strengths that Cancer has is its kindness, generosity, empathy, they are generous friends and can often feel the feelings of others as their own, which is like a power that helps them anticipate dangers or crises

Due to its characteristics, this sign is especially suitable for professionals who have developed protective and healing instincts. They have a vision of the future oriented towards the common good, according to Astrology.com.

According to astrological lists, Cancer is one of the zodiac signs that are destined to be millionaires because they do not lose sight of their principles and values ​​. His work ethic is unwavering, so he knows how to channel his ambition towards specific points. Their search for wealth is motivated by the protection of their loved ones since they do not want them to lack anything.

Elon Musk is a Cancer who has found a way to channel his astrological strengths for the greater good.

It may interest you: What signs Zodiacals top Forbes Billionaires List of the 2021