Sunday, October 6

El Niño Prodigy Horoscope December 13, 2021


03 / 20 – 04 / 19

A cosmic triangle will be drawn on the horizon, opening a portal of opportunities for your life. You will impose your personality and you will make important decisions. You will grow and fight for your rightful place in this world. The time has come to be happy.


04 / 21 – 04 / 20

You will know how to recognize your mistakes and this will allow you to be more tolerant of others. It will be a propitious moment to forgive yourself and forgive because this will help you heal the wounds of the past. Cultivating positive feelings within will strengthen you spiritually.


05 / 21 – 05 / 20

You will regain contact with people you did not see for a long time, you will be the link that will unite others and keep the spirit alive fraternal of the group. Don’t be tempted to be the only speaker or fill the moments of silence with empty words.


6 / 21 – 7 / 20

There will be an increase in work and responsibilities. Circumstances will require you to create an energetic public image, to be confident in your abilities, and not to be intimidated by new challenges. If you face your obligations with optimism you will reach the top.


07 / 21 – 08 / 21

The heavenly bodies will favor you and you will be able to notice it by the ease with which things will be given to you, now you will feel that the roads open and that life shows you its most generous face. Your confidence level will increase and new benefactors will appear.


08 / 22 – 09 / 22

You will feel full of energy to face a profound change and a great transformation, but first you will have to face some somewhat strong truths. Lose the fear of inquiring and go a few steps beyond appearances, dig deep, an angel protects you!


09 / 23 – 10 / 22

You will find the complement in the bond with others and an extremely inspiring and stimulating level of dialogue. Through relationships you will incorporate a more optimistic way of thinking and you are willing to gamble for that person you love so much.


10 / 23 – 11 / 22

Make sure that the initiative and commitment with which you face your daily activities do not go unnoticed in the eyes of your superiors. Remember that this is a competitive world and that nobody gives you anything, it is up to you to enforce your work.


11 / 23 – 12 / 20

The stars invite you to let yourself be guided by your heart and to choose for yourself. Whatever you do, you will arouse admiration, receive applause, and be proclaimed a natural leader. Today you will give priority to your wish and you will be right.


12 / 21 – 01 / 19

Do you owe an apology to a family member? The time has come to come face to face with the past to repair damage and offenses. As you close the wounds of yesterday you will be prepared to fully live the here and now.


01 / 20 – 02 / 18

You will avoid confinement and will be attracted to temporary entertainment. Make time during the day to go to the movies or the theater, go for a walk and forget about your worries for a while. In addition, you will be able to convey your ideas directly and clearly.


02 / 19 – 03 / 20

You will find a way to earn a more independent living and start new strategies to manage on your own. In the moments that you feel most demanded, remember that you have great possibilities for progress. Trust your survival instinct.

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