Saturday, September 28

Andrea Meza, current Miss Universe, supports veganism in new PETA campaign

The current Miss Universe, Andrea Meza , seeks to end her reign in style and proof of it is the PETA Latino campaign that he joined and with which invites the public to do their part to take care of the planet through veganism.

A few days after the Miss Universe contest, the Chihuahua native model surprised by appearing as radiant as ever in a new advertisement for PETA Latino crowned with a headdress made with fruits, vegetables and flowers.

However, this was not all, as Andrea Meza also starred in a video for PETA Latino’s digital campaign, “NocheVegana”, in which she appealed to the public to opt for a vegan dinner this Christmas Eve instead of traditional preparations.

“When I made this transformation in my life, I realized how simple it is” , said in a statement, and warned about how easy it is to replace cow’s milk with almond milk, soy milk, or other plant-based milks.

Also, the Mexican shared some of her secrets to make this lifestyle easier to adopt, encouraging viewers to eat vegan meats, which can be found anywhere instead of animal meat, and suggests cooking with tofu, mushrooms, or other plant foods that have different flavors and textures to make meals delicious.

Remember that we can celebrate these dates of love, these dates of peace and compassion without having an animal in our plate “, Meza assures all those who have not made the change yet under the premise that each person who follows a vegan diet at Christmas and the rest of the year saves around 200 animals per year, reduces your risk of developing heart disease and cancer and reduces your carbon footprint.

With this campaign, Andrea Meza joins a growing list of celebrities, including Alba Flores, Penélope Cruz, Kate del Castillo, Elyfer Torres, Joaquin Phoenix and Edward James Olmos , who have joined PETA or PETA Latino to promote kindness to animals.

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