Friday, September 20

Does cleaning the liver help us lose weight?

It is one of the organs of the human anatomy . The liver performs multiple functions , such as metabolic processes , the purification of toxic substances that are produced in the body itself like those that come from abroad, according to Cuídate Plus .

One of the most popular beliefs is that to lose weight we must cleanse or purify the liver , and that the diets contribute to it. But how true is this statement?

Can the liver be purified?

According to Agustín Albillos , who is head of the Gastroenterology Unit of the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital , in the city of Madrid, purify the liver It’s not even a medical term because actually can’t be done .

The specialist indicates that the liver does not accumulate toxins Due to the fact that when in contact with toxic substances , such as alcohol, it metabolizes them and converts them into substances that result less polluting .

In this way, the impact that these substances could produce in the body is reduced . However, does not accumulate them .

What can be done, according to Dr. Albillos, is purify the blood . However, this is done when there is a liver failure , that is, when the organ does not have the capacity to perform its function and stops enter toxic substances.

The liver does not influence weight gain or loss

The liver fulfills multiple vital functions for the proper functioning of the human body. In the words of Carmen Gómez , who works as head of the Nutrition Unit of the La Paz University Hospital , in Madrid, the liver is the great pharmacy of the body.

This is due to the large number of chemical processes it performs. But it can also affect almost anything harmful .

Having a good diet we it will help to have a healthy liver. Source: Pixabay

Although it does not influence lose weight or gain it, something that does can affect is obesity and other related diseases .

In fact, one of the pathologies that could develop is the fatty liver as a result of the accumulation of abdominal fat .

In essence, there is no cleansing diet that influences weight loss. However, we can do something to take care of our liver.

How to take care of the liver

We are already very clear that the liver does not accumulate toxins and that there is no cleansing diet. However, to keep this essential organ healthy and that it can carry out its work properly, we must have a diet that is balanced and varied .

On the other hand, consumption of alcohol and other toxic substances should be reduced to a minimum . We must be especially careful with the consumption of certain drugs , since these affect the essential functions of the liver, such as its metabolic process .

The advice given by specialists is to avoid strict diets because they could suppress essential nutrients for the body.

For the liver to function properly, we recommend the consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as vegetable fat and foods such as oily fish, which are rich in omega 3 .

The less toxic substances we consume, the better the health of our liver will be. If we are looking for diets to lose weight, it is best to seek the guidance of a nutritionist , who will give us the precise help according to our own needs .

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