Saturday, September 28

Mother, 25, hid the body of a five-month-old baby in the wall of her house

La madre de Pensilvania, Kylie Wilt, de 25 años, dijo a los oficiales que su bebé había muerto en febrero de 2021.
Pennsylvania mother Kylie Wilt of 25 years, told officers that her baby had died in February 2021.

Photo: Spencer Platt / Getty Images

La Opinión

For: The opinion

A mother admitted that hid the body of her five-month-old baby inside a box on the wall of your house , after transferring him with her from her previous home.

The Pennsylvania mother, Kylie Wilt, from 25 years , told officers that her baby had died in February 2021 and had been in hiding ever since, according to reports.

She told the police that she had put her baby’s body in a box and made a hole in the wall of her Charleroi home, where she deposited it, before covering the gap and covering it with paint , according to the Washington District Attorney’s Office.

The Department of Children and Youth Services Venes had been researching Wilt’s baby for months, after he was born with THC in his system.

THC is the active ingredient in marijuana.

When agents from the state Department of Children and Youth Services came to see her last week to ask where her baby was, investigators told them that she said he was in North Carolina under someone else’s care, authorities told WPXI.

But he continued to change his story and told them to officers that her five-month-old baby had died of sudden infant death syndrome in February at her former home.

Wilt now faces multiple charges, including hiding the death of her son and the abuse of a corpse.

In addition, the girl’s father and her boyfriend Alan Hollis are accused of obstruction.

She told the Officers who became nervous after the baby’s death and moved to another house three blocks away with her boyfriend and three of her other children. They took the baby’s body with them.

The reason she hid the baby was because she didn’t have enough money to pay for a funeral, she told officers.

The cause of the baby’s death is being investigated.

Before the family moved in, former neighbor Robin Stasicha told KDKA station that she heard the baby cry “all the time.”

But later , she said, “All of a sudden it stopped happening one day and we didn’t see him bring it in and out anymore and I thought this is what happened.”

The neighbor said that she asked the property manager about the baby, who told her that the child had died.

“I was thinking, I’m here all the time, ”Stasicha said. “I never saw an ambulance. Wouldn’t you call 911 if your baby didn’t answer you? ”

No date has been set for the couple’s preliminary hearings.

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