Thursday, September 19

The key to immigration that the United States must take into account

La llegada de migrantes a EE.UU. tiene un impacto en la edad promedio para laborar.
The arrival of migrants to the US has an impact on the average age to work.

Photo: SAUL LOEB / Getty Images



Immigration cannot reverse the aging of the American population, but it can have a major impact on the growth rate of the working-age population , according to a study released this Wednesday.

The Concord Coalition (CC) and the Global Aging Institute (GAI) released their analysis according to which “even as immigration to the United States has been decreasing, its importance for the demographic and economic growth of the country has increased. ”

“The history of the country can be told, to a great extent, as a story of immigrants,” said Richard Jackson, president of the GAI and one of the authors of the study. “But never has immigration been as critical to growth and prosperity as it will be in the decades to come.”

The growth of the working population “It has always been an important engine, and sometimes the most important, in the economic growth of the United States,” according to the study. “But the growth of the working-age population has been decelerating from 1.7% per year in the decade of 1970 at 0.8% per annum from 2000 “.

Although immigration is one of the most controversial issues in the United States, the reality is that the flow of migrants to the country has been declining significantly since 2015, a trend that was accentuated with the arrival of the COVID – 17 in March 2020.

If there were a increase in immigration It would not have an effect to reverse the aging of the population in general, but “it can have a greater impact by increasing the growth rate of the working-age population. ar, “the study noted.

” The truth is that jobs for immigrant workers do not take jobs away from workers born in the country, ” stated the authors of the report. “On the contrary, the jobs that immigrants take generate additional income, which results in an additional demand for goods and services that, in turn, translates into more jobs.”

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