Friday, September 20

Authorities promise to remove the homeless from Placita Olvera

Las aceras de la Placita Olvera pronto estarán sin las casas de campaña. (Jacqueline García/La Opinión)
The sidewalks of Placita Olvera will soon be without the tents. (Jacqueline García / Real America News)

Photo : Jacqueline García / Real America News / Impremedia

Parishioners and visitors to Placita Olvera, located in downtown Los Angeles, could soon find a cleaner and more orderly area around the iconic church, which is currently surrounded by homeless people spending their days in tents.

This is due to the teamwork between the Los Angeles Councilor Kevin de León’s office, the Sheriff’s Department (LASD) and other entities that have committed to finish cleaning the area just in time for the start of the the Christmas inns.

It is estimated that there are close to 70 people living around of the perimeter that goes from César Chávez avenue to the north to Aliso street to the south, Spring to the west and Alameda Street to the east.

The news was welcomed by mothers of families, such as María Martínez and Beatriz González, who had to walk next to the tents on Monday morning on their way to visit the church of Placita Olvera.

Martínez accepted that they do not feel safe, much less walking with a stroller and a little girl since they do not know who can step out.

“Before when we came to mass there were people selling little things, whether they be rosaries or candles and we prefer to see those things than to see this,” he said. .

For his part, González added that he is pleased to see Sheriff’s agents offer help to the homeless.

“It’s very good because these are places where many people come with children and if help them it’s better because that way we feel more sure that nothing is going to happen to our children … Many times there are people in there who have a bad mind and it is scary to pass and that one of them attacks us. ”

LAHSA teams and the Sheriff help clean up the Placita Olvera area. (Jacqueline García / Real America News)


The head of the LASD, Alex Villanueva, arrived yesterday to supervise the area and said that they are in charge of clean up as the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is currently underfunded to have a team focused on removing and offering relief services to the homeless.

“They had a team called HOPE [Homeless Outreach Proactive Engagement] and now we are the only ones left, the HOST team [Outreach Services Team on a Humanitarian Mission]” , he explained.

“The county budget only allowed four sheriffs, a sergeant and a lieutenant for the team and I added 22 more ”.

Villanueva said that seeing the tents on the sidewalks is a threat to public safety, not just to the desamp plows but also for the economy.

Guadalupe, the posadas and the Christmas Eve mass, that everyone comes to enjoy here because it is a cultural and symbolic center of the county and the city, ”said the Chief Sheriff.

Services and information for homeless people

Pete Brown, spokesman for councilor De León, assured that the councilor is leading the cleanup effort that began several weeks ago.

He added that teams in his office have been in charge of contacting the campaign to provide them with necessary services, including housing and mental health assistance.

“Fortunately we were able to work very closely with the mayor’s office [Eric Garcetti] to make sure we found the units needed to move people out,” said Brown.

He added that the presence of the Sheriff is vital since they are the ones who have the mental services help team.

“As we know here there are a large number of people who face mental health problems,” said Brown.

Meanwhile, De León and other councilors are already working on the option of including a way for the city to Los Angeles has its own Health Department and is not governed by the county.

Sherylin Oropelle is about to receive help to get out of homelessness. (Jacqueline García / Real America News)

Ready to move in

In one of the tents was Sherylin Oropelle, a transsexual person, who said that today Tuesday she will move into her new home.

She said she is very grateful to see this help being done for the homeless since for her living on the street has become traumatic.

I would love to see where all the help comes from because I have passed so many times in front of the Police Department and I am afraid that they will retaliate against me, “said Oropel who lost count of the years he has lived on the street.

She is originally from Connecticut but lived a long time in New Mexico, eventually moving to Los Angeles and in April del 2020 began to live on the perimeter of the Pla Olvera quotes.

“But sometimes I feel terrified because those who pass by yell at me [de cosas] because I am a transsexual ”, she said. “With the help that they are going to give me, I am also hoping to return to a Trans wellness center and start receiving the necessary help.”

The Sheriff’s HOST unit is tasked with providing needed aid and resources to the homeless in a safe and humane manner, said Lt. Geoffrey Deedrick.

He indicated that the work is a collaboration with the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), the Department of Mental Aid of the county and the Department of Public Works.

He also said that people do want to move to a more stable place but sometimes they do not feel comfortable with the people who offer them help.

“We have highly trained bailiffs who specialize in crisis stabilization and homeless outreach.”

Ensured that no one will be forced to leave the area per or are willing to return multiple times so that people feel comfortable accepting help.

“Many of these people have never had a positive interaction with the police … With us it is different, we create a window of opportunity for them to come and accept help,” he said.

Tinsel said that he cannot wait for the moment to receive the promised help, to be able to sleep in a bed and take a bath.

Jacqueline García

Reporter-Real America News (213) 514 – 0366

@ jackiereporter