Friday, September 20

FDA authorizes drug for those who cannot be vaccinated against Covid-19

Evusheld no es un sustituto de la vacuna, como recalca la FDA, por lo que debe aplicarse en circunstancias específicas.
Evusheld is not a substitute for the vaccine, as stressed by the FDA, so it must be applied in specific circumstances.

Photo: SIMON MAINA / AFP / Getty Images


For: EFE

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). approved the emergency use of an Astrazeneca drug to prevent the spread of coronavirus intended for those who due to their medical condition cannot get a vaccine.

In a statement, the FDA explains that this Product is only authorized for non-infected or exposed persons who have an immune system that does not allow them to be vaccinated or a history of adverse reactions to vaccines .

“Vaccines have proven to be the best defense against Covid – 19, but there are immunosuppressed individuals who can not see an increased immune response that the vaccine gives and that they need a prevention alternative ”, said in the statement Patrizia Cavazzoni, director of the Center Evaluation and Invest FDA Drug Enforcement.

The drug, called Evusheld, consists of a combination of two monoclonal antibodies and is given in two consecutive injections , one per antibody.

It is indicated for certain adults and pediatric patients over 12 years weighing at least 40 kilograms.

Evusheld is not authorized for the treatment of Covid – 19 or for prevention after possible exposure to the virus. It is also not a substitute for the vaccine, as the FDA emphasizes.

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