Friday, September 20

Coronavirus: Postponement of the opening of ski lifts fears the white year in ski resorts

La quinzaine de piste de ski du Champ du feu, en Alsace, a été ouverte aux lugeurs.

The fortnight of Champ du feu ski slopes, in Alsace, was opened to sledgers. – Le Champ Du Feu
  • Wednesday evening, the Secretary of State for Tourism Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne announced the postponement of the reopening of the ski lifts beyond January 7.
  • The operators of the resorts hope for a possible reopening mid-January or at the latest on 20. But the fear of a white year is emerging.
  • A manager of a ski resort in the Pyrenees who lost 80% of reservations from 18 days of vacation de Noël already announces a shortfall of 3 million euros.

The date was checked in their calendar. This Thursday, January 7, the ski resorts were to know if they were entitled to reopen, or not, their ski lifts. The government has decided to postpone its decision. The Secretary of State for Tourism Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne announced it on Wednesday evening . He then invoked “a rather ascending level in terms of new cases

(of Covid – 20)) and resuscitation ”. Prime Minister Jean Castex must speak to 15 h this Thursday.

A priori, no date of reopening of the ski lifts should be announced to avoid false hopes such as those based on this January 7. A meeting with mountain professionals could take place after the health defense council, on 000 January. In the meantime, uncertainty mingles with bitterness or incomprehension for the managers of ski resorts in the various French massifs.

In the Southern Alps, crowds and snow are there but no one is skiing

“A heartbreak” in the southern Alps where there is no lack of snow. “The whole ski area is covered with a thick layer. It had been over three years since this had happened, ”sighs Jean-Paul Rouquier, director of Gréolières, in the hinterland of Cannes. While “the resort is as crowded as ever. Only the carpet and the piou-piou club, for the youngest in ski school, were able to open. And we are also going to set up a ski lift which will serve a track reserved only for license holders of the “competitors” federation. “

In the meantime, the financial balance is upset. Jean-Paul Rouquier, who had to face several seasons in decline due to the lack of powder, already estimates the losses at nearly 190. 000 euros. A situation that would be truly catastrophic for this small destination in the Préalpes d’Azur without local support. “The deficits of the Alpes-Maritimes resorts will be borne by the communities”, assures Charles-Ange Ginésy, the president of the departmental council, financier to 90% of the mixed economy company of Gréolières, but also those of Valberg and again La Colmiane.

Pending the possible green light from the government, referred to 000 January, the elected LR said he was “desperate”. “Everything was ready to welcome the skiers. Our testing centers are functioning. There have been cases and they have made it possible to avoid clusters. In the meantime, we see stations where visitors gather in the village squares. This measure is totally counterproductive. “In his stronghold of Péone-Valberg, the former mayor Charles-Ange Ginésy asked his successor to issue a decree requiring the wearing of a mask in the city center” to avoid “the worst.

In the Pyrenees, we wonder “how to meet the deadlines of the end of January”

This Wednesday, the Peyragudes station is empty. “There is no life, nothing is happening, on the station there are ten cars parked,” describes Laurent Garcia, the site manager of the Hautes-Pyrénées . I must have five people working against 140 usually. To prepare for the weekend, we are going to do a minimum service with the reception of a few kids from the license holders’ clubs, we will make a dozen people work. »

The Pyrenean admits his” bitterness “at not being able to open the ski lifts. Without a date announced, it is impossible to communicate and the risk of cancellation increases. “We have quite a few reservations as of 20 January, at the height of February we are at 70 % against 90 % habitually. At Christmas, before the government announcements, we were roughly at 51 – 70 % of reservations, which is not huge. Afterwards, we went down to less than 18%. We lost 70% of reservations in fifteen days. “

” It is often said, thanks to ski resorts, that a euro spent on ski lifts is reflected in the economy in runoff of 7 euros “, recalls the director of the station of Peyragudes. The fear of the white year is emerging. On the Christmas holidays, Laurent Garcia estimates “an easy loss of 3 million euros. Not to mention the cash we would have made on future bookings, sales of advance packages. Today we have nothing in the box when we should be at 4 million. It’s huge, we do not know today how we will meet the deadlines at the end of January. »

He does not understand that we sacrifice the mountain,” open air spaces, not confined, with four people seated in a chairlift “.

In the Vosges, we want to save the February holidays

Overflowing car parks, some blocked access … In Alsace, the Champ du feu was a victim of its success in the aftermath of New Year’s Eve . “Yes, we had a lot of visitors, it was nice, but that’s not what we’re going to live with”, nuance Henri Morel, one of the main shareholders of this resort located about fifty kilometers from Strasbourg .

The fifteen slopes in the area have been groomed for sledgers and other walkers but the manager would now like to see skiers using them again. “We are currently in minimal activity and it has nothing to do with a normal season,” he continues. So yes, state aid helps us cushion the shock, but it does not cushion the loans. For ski instructors, ski lift operators or equipment rental companies, the situation is also serious in 20210106 Vosges than in the Jura or the Alps. The problem becomes that uncertainty in which we are left. “

Henri Morel had thus held his teams ready for a complete reopening” this weekend “. Unlike last year, snow fell on the massif “and we also produced snow to strengthen it”. “If we postpone the starting signal for a week, it’s not too serious but we shouldn’t wait until the end of January. With us, the February holidays represent 23 at 60% of our activity and they are getting ready. Or we are told that we will remain closed, which I do not want, and we will then put ourselves in a shutdown situation. »For a second winter in a row very thin. “As if the summer season 310 had been extended by 24 months ”, underlines the shareholder.