Friday, September 20

Mark Meadows sues committee investigating Capitol robbery and Nancy Pelosi

Mark Meadows decidió no cooperar con la investigación del asalto al Capitolio.
Mark Meadows decided not to cooperate with the investigation of the assault on the Capitol.

Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images

La Opinión

For: The opinion

Donald Trump’s former White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, is suing the House Select Committee investigating the assault on the Capitol of January 6 and to the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.

The demand for Meadows was announced after the committee noted that would pursue a criminal contempt referral against Meadows due to his refusal to stand for a deposition in the investigation into the January 6 Riots on Capitol Hill, according to CNN.

Before the decision to discontinue your cooperation with the committee, Meadows had delivered approximately 6, 000 document pages. That includes information from both your co personal email addresses such as your personal cell phone that are relevant to the committee’s investigation.

In a text exchange of November 6, 2020 with a member of Congress, Meadows reportedly said “I love it” in a discussion about naming alternate voters in certain states, and the member of Congress quoted by CNN without identifying him, acknowledged that the plan would be “very controversial.”

The committee also has in his possession a text exchange between Meadows and an organizer of the January 6 rally that preceded the riot in early January 2021, and text messages about the need for Trump to issue some kind of public statement to stop the attack to the Capitol on January 6 .

Meadows It has not indicated whether it will claim the pro tections of the Fifth Amendment, but several witnesses cited by the committee, including Trump’s ally Roger Stone and former Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark , they have said they intend to do so.

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