Saturday, September 21

'El Gordo y la Flaca': They denied it, and now a reporter apologizes to Aracely Arámbula for violating her privacy

Aracely Arámbula.
Aracely Arámbula.

Photo: Archive / Ángel Llamas / Agencia Reforma

Mandy Fridmann

Our reporter says that she did not open the door “… This is how the Raúl de Molina show began on 18 of October in reference to the incident where his reporter was pointed out, María Hurtado , as the one who opened the door of the truck to Aracely Arámbula to interview her while she, shouting, tried to preserve the privacy of her two children who were inside.

A month and a half later, and although they denied it at first, now a reporter for ‘El Gordo y la Flaca’ apologizes to Aracely Arámbula for violating her privacy .

Through a letter dated 26 of November, but only today announced Guillermo Pous, lawyer of ‘La Chule ‘, Hurtado is responsible for what happened and apologizes to Aracely Arámbula and her family , and says the following:

“Dear Mrs. Arámbula. I am very sorry that your last visit to the city of Los Angeles was not the best due to the unpleasant mishaps you had in which I was unfortunately involved directly in one of them for which I apologize to you and your family.

Unfortunately the situation became chaotic, a pandemonium but that does not justify at any time that we as reporters should or should go beyond the barriers of personal respect or the limits to obtain A journalistic note in which his family was also involved, was completely a decision without justification.

I recognize that with these unfortunate situations we must learn not to cross unnecessary limits even as public persons . For the above, I offer an apology to you and your family. María Hurtado “.

What was What happened? The controversy that arose in Los Angeles, with Aracely Arámbula and her team, when trying to preserve the privacy of the two children she had with Luis Miguel, Miguelito and Daniel, ended up in an incident with a group of reporters .

The altercation, which ended with legal overtones, occurred on Saturday 16 October in Los Angeles, at the exit of the play ‘Why men prefer them bitches’ , which stars in the Chule. There a group of reporters was waiting for her as always happens. The difference is that this time Miguelito and Daniel were there, who had gone to see their mother .

As is known, Aracely preserves the image of minors and California law, in this case, supports it . The problem arose when, the children hiding in the vehicle, someone, on the side where all the reporters were, opened the door, creating panic and scaring the minors .

Who was? The actress’s lawyer, Guillermo Pous, shared on Instagram a video from inside the car, there it is seen that supposedly it would have been the reporter of ‘El Gordo y la Flaca ‘, María Hurtado, who opened the door of the truck .

But nevertheless, she denied it and both the production of the Univision afternoon show and its presenters, Lili Estefan and Raúl de Molina came out to stand up for her and support her . But now Hurtado finally ended up admitting that he did.

We do not know for sure why this letter comes to light, this public apology, but it is very possible that it is a legal arrangement to prevent Arámbula from suing Univision.



• ‘El Gordo y Las Flaca’ about Aracely Arámbula: “Our reporter says she did not open the door”

Lawyer by Aracely Arámbula pronounces on the confrontation with reporters in Los Angeles

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