Sunday, September 22

California prepares to become an abortion sanctuary

Estados Unidos espera una decisión del Tribunal Supremo sobre el aborto.
The United States awaits a Supreme Court decision on abortion.

Photo: SAUL LOEB / AFP / Getty Images


For: EFE

Defenders of abortion in California presented this Wednesday a plan to make the state a sanctuary of freedom in defense of women’s reproductive rights and that it is ready to serve anyone seeking these services in the United States.

The proposal of the California Council on the Future of Abortion gives just when the United States Supreme Court evaluates a law passed in 2018 in the state of Mississippi that restricts abortion, that weighs the decision “Roe vs. Wade ”in 1973 who legalized abortion in the country.

The California Council for the Future of Abortion, formed last September by more than 40 abortion service providers and advocacy groups, today published a list of 45 recommendations for the state to consider if the Supreme Court annuls “Roe vs. Wade ”.

The Council has the support of the Governor of California, the Democrat Gavin Newsom, and the state Legislature, which are waging a new pulse against conservative policies in the country.

“When I directed clinical services for a women’s health center, I saw countless people who needed information, services and support,” she said in a statement. the President of the California Senate, Toni Atkins .

He stressed that both the Legislature and the Council want to ensure “that Californians and the people of all states can obtain the services of reproductive health they need in a safe and timely manner, and that all rights remain enshrined in the law. ”

Among the recommendations made in the plan of the Council stand out strengthening access to abortion, education on the subject and relevant laws, and privacy around the procedure.

Since the Supreme Court legalized abortion that practice has been allowed in the United States until the moment of “viability” of the fetus outside the womb, a limit that is now in around 24 or 24 weeks of pregnancy.

But the new Mississippi state law states a limit that would prohibit the majority of women from accessing an abortion as of 15 weeks of pregnancy .

The Supreme Court heard the parties on December 1, and is expected to issue a decision next year.

Amy Moy, of the organization Essential Health Access, warned in the statement that “as most Supreme Court justices appear willing to undermine the bodily autonomy of millions and allow extreme restrictions on abortion to remain, California can and should go the extra mile and do more to ensure that anyone who seek abortion services that you can get. ”

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