Friday, September 20

Winter solstice 2021: 5 rituals to receive the change of season

La llegada del invierno es ideal para los rituales de liberación y manifestar los deseos del próximo año.
The arrival of winter is ideal for liberation rituals and expressing the wishes of the next year.

Photo: freestocks / Unsplash

The coldest time of the year will begin when occurs the winter solstice on Tuesday 21 from December. Winter is the last and first season of each year, so it symbolizes the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. To receive the energy of this astronomical phenomenon you can resort to rituals.

The December solstice , as it is also known, occurs when the path of the Sun is in the extreme south and travels a shorter path in the sky, resulting in dimmer days, longer nights and the onset of winter, explained

East 2021 the winter solstice will occur on Tuesday 21 December, when the day in the northern hemisphere will only have 8 hours and 46 daylight minutes .

This season of the year It has been a cause for celebration for ancient cultures that were considered pagan. For example, the Nordic peoples celebrate the Yule Festival that day, when changes in nature were worshiped and they celebrated the birth of the Sun. With the rise of Christianity, it was combined with the birth of Jesus and Christmas.

Rituals to receive the winter solstice

The December solstice symbolizes the fight against the intense cold and the light defeating the darkness. It is an ideal mystical moment to attract good energies through rituals . Some of them are:

1. Winter family ritual

This ritual is to receive the blessings of winter as a family. According to the site a large candle is needed and other small ones, one for each member of the household. Turn off all the lights and stand in the center of the house. Light the big candle with a match and go all over the house. Return to the starting point, blow out the candle, take some time to reflect on your New Year’s wishes. Relight the large candle and then the small candles. When they are all lit, turn on all the lights in the house and turn off all the candles.

two. Ritual of liberation and attraction

It consists of dividing a sheet of paper in two and one side write your resolutions for the following year, and on the other side the obstacles, problems or difficulties that you want to leave in the past. Cut the leaf to mutate and on the solstice day burn only the side of the problems you want to eliminate and while it burns in the fire, visualize the goals you wrote.

3. Ritual with candles for the winter solstice

Candles are the most mystical element of rituals . You will use a yellow candle, a red candle, and a blue candle. Write on a sheet your goals achieved in 2021 and those you want to achieve in 2022. Place the candles in the shape of a triangle on a table and in the center place in a preferably metal container, the sheet with your objectives of the 2021. Light the candles and with the flame of the one at the tip, burn the leaf. The one for the purposes of 2022 keep it to repeat the same ritual.

4. Ritual to receive abundance

In a tray place some pine cones, dry leaves, a candle gilthead and a mistletoe. Place it where it gets all the sunlight during the winter solstice. Light the candle in the new year to guide your wishes.

5. Purifying bath

When take a shower on the day of the winter solstice , pass a handful of sea salt all over your body as if you were exfoliating the skin . Then, do the same procedure with sugar and rinse your body.

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