Friday, September 20

Biden's 5 actions of his plan against corruption with worldwide impact

El presidente Joe Biden lanza nueva estrategia contra la corrupción.
President Joe Biden launches new anti-corruption strategy.

Photo: Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images

Jesús García

The Government of the President Joe Biden launches a new anti-corruption strategy that ties in with its fight against organized crime o, in order to prevent negative effects on the financial structure and democracy of the United States and, above all, bring to justice the actors who promote these illegal actions.

President Biden described acts of corruption as “a threat to national security” , as well as a direct effect on economic equity and efforts to fight poverty and maintain democracy.

“By effectively preventing and countering corruption and demonstrating the advantages of transparent and accountable governance, we can ensure a fundamental advantage for the United States and other democracies,” said the president.

The The plan is part of the order that the Democrat gave to his National Security team on June 3 and includes five specific actions.

1) Modernize efforts to combat corruption. This by recognizing that the United States has been a leader in the global fight against corruption, but that addressing said threat as “a national security imperative” requires of a new approach, which includes a better understanding and response to transnationals with priority in intelligence gathering and analysis. This will imply the creation of special offices in the departments and agencies.

2) Curb illicit finances. The Biden Administration recognizes that the ill-gotten flow of money is a serious problem that takes advantage of the vulnerabilities of the international financial systems and of the United States “to hide the ownership of assets and laundering the proceeds of their illicit activities ”. The new effort will require greater transparency regulations, such as in real estate transactions – one of the criminals’ favorite industries – where money is hidden. The effort also implies greater coordination with other countries.

3) Accountability corrupt actors. This will involve increasing diplomatic efforts to support, defend and protect civil society and the media, including investigative journalists who denounce corruption. Also new strategies with governments and the business sector for the detection and interruption of foreign bribery.

4) Strengthen the multilateral anti-corruption architecture. This implies a better coordination with the members of the G7 and the G 20 to implement transparency and anti-corruption measures in all ministerial areas.

5) Enhance diplomatic engagement. By leveraging foreign assistance resources to achieve policy objectives anti-corruption, the Biden Administration also aims to elevate anti-corruption efforts as a priority within its diplomatic efforts.

“The United States strategy to combat corruption marks a new chapter… to curb the effects harmful corruption ”, affirms the federal government.