Friday, September 20

Terror in Veracruz; violent day leaves 12 murders, with four dismembered

Veracruz es parte de la lista de la lista de las 10 entidades con mayor número de homicidios dolosos en el país.
Veracruz is part of the list of the list of the 10 entities with the highest number of intentional homicides in the country.

Photo: ANGEL HERNÁNDEZ / AFP / Getty Images

So far this six-year term, Veracruz adds almost 4, 000 intentional homicides, becoming one of the states with the highest murder rate in Mexico.

As sample, this weekend 12 people were violently murdered, four of them dismembered.

The events occurred on Friday, Saturday and early Sunday in the municipalities of Atoyac, Yanga, Omealca, Sayula de Alemán, Minatitlán and Coatzacoalcos.

On Saturday nine murders were reported, four of them shocked society when the remains of three were found men and a woman dismembered in the municipality of Atoyac, central mountainous area of ​​Veracruz.

The human remains were abandoned on the Córdoba-Paso del Macho highway, d where a narcomensaje was left with threats to police chiefs in the area.

In Yanga reported the shooting murder of a woman aged 80 old; in Sayula de Alemán, two bodies were abandoned on a rural road; in Minatitlán they shot and killed two individuals in two different events; while in Omealca, the owner of a bar was kidnapped and, later, his lifeless body was abandoned on the public highway.

They murdered two gay men in Coatzacoalcos. Veracruz continues to be by far the state with the highest violence against LGBTI + people in the country.

– Ricardo Baruch D. (@baruchdom) December 6, 2021

Finally, two young members of the LGBTTTI community were beheaded by unknown subjects when they were at a private party , which was held at the address in the Port of Coatzacoalcos.

The rise in violence in Veracruz, according to journalistic investigations, is related to the strengthening of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) in the area , mainly due to the installation of laboratories for the production of methamphetamine.

Even, last October, authorities announced the arrest of the alleged chief from Plaza del C JNG in Orizaba, Veracruz.

Elements of the State Public Security Secretariat managed to capture Héctor “N”, alias “El Cholo” and / o “El Chalita”, a priority objective for state and federal forces.

In addition, for being a state with a port, it is one of the entries of cocaine shipments from Central American drug traffickers , to later try to place it in countries like the United States.

Read more:

Video: They capture hitmen from CJNG after attack to Mexican soldiers

Video: Hit men are arrested after shooting policeman

Whole family is shot to death in Tijuana; there are 3 children among the victims