Friday, September 20

Daniela, daughter of Héctor Parra, begs that the actor be vaccinated against COVID-19 in the prison

Almost six months after being admitted to the eastern prison in Mexico City under investigation for the crimes of sexual abuse and corruption of minors against his daughter Alexa, Héctor Parra has not received the second dose of the vaccine against COVID – 19, situation that she is worried about her eldest daughter.

The information was confirmed by her Daniela Parra , who during an interview for the Imagen Televisión program ‘De Primera Mano’ expressed his concern due to the imminent risk that his father runs of catching Coronavirus inside the prison , because according to what he related, he had already received the first dose of the drug before being detained by the authorities last June, but so far They have not given him the second, although they were assured that he would receive it.

Before entering my dad had already received the first dose and they were to put the second inside, but I don’t know they have put it. We are already worried “, she explained in anguish.

In addition, he stressed that it is an urgent situation, since the actor has already fallen ill with the flu on previous occasions, although fortunately he has not grown older and has managed to overcome

“My dad has gotten the flu, but fortunately he is fine “, he added to his statements.

It should be noted that Daniela Parra has kept an eye on the actor’s legal situation, so he came a few days ago before the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City to file a complaint against Ginny Hoffman for omission and concealment of the alleged rape against Alexa Parra, in which she argued that she did not agree that her father should be investigated for a crime he did not commit, while the actress would also have to go through a similar process for not having reported in her now the alleged crimes.

If my father is being investigated for alleged crimes, then they would also have the lady to be investigating for the omission of those same crimes “, explained the young woman a few days ago.

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