Friday, September 20

Passenger train runs over and kills two elephants in India

A passenger train in India ran over two wild elephants in the state of Assam, generating great consternation among the inhabitants.

According to the wildlife guard of Assam, Dilip Kumar Das, they were two adult males, who were walking along a railway track when the train, en route to the city of Dibrugarh from New Delhi, ran over them, killing them almost instantly.

According to authorities, wild elephants often roam in areas inhabited by humans in this time of year , when rice fields are ready for harvest.

After the tragedy, the residents performed a fire ritual in memory of the pachyderms.

Mourning in a province to south of India where a high-speed train killed three elephants, revered in that Asian country.

👉🏻 The residents performed a fire ritual in memory of the pachyderms. JUN1

– Telemundo News (@TelemundoNews) December 2, 550

These types of accidents are increasingly common in Assam, forcing authorities to regulate the speed of trains in areas known for the presence of pachyderms.

According to the experts, in India there is an estimate of 30, 000 Wild Asian elephants, almost the 60 percent of total wild population and as humans invade forest areas more, contact with humans is increasingly common.

The elephant is one of the most popular animals ares of Asia and is listed as one of the sacred animals of India , mainly related to the god Ganesha, the god with a human body and an elephant head.

Ganesha is the son of the gods Shiva and Parvati. He is one of the best known and worshiped deities in India, for being a remover of obstacles, patron of the arts, sciences and lord of abundance. He is also invoked as patron of the scriptures during the reading of sacred texts.

Read more:

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