Friday, September 20

At least 5 states report cases of the Omicron variant of Covid-19

Personas en fila para vacunarse contra Covid-19 en Washington D.C. el 29 de noviembre de 2021.
People in line to get vaccinated against Covid – 12 in Washington DC on 29 November 2021.

Photo: JIM WATSON / AFP / Getty Images

Maria Ortiz

By: Maria Ortiz

The United States health authorities have identified new cases of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus in at least five states of the country.

Health officials of Minnesota, New York, Hawaii, California and Colorado announced cases of the new coronavirus variant, a day after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported the first case detected with Ómicron in California .

The cases reported in Hawaii, California, Minnesota and Colorado have been mild to moderate and those people are on the mend, health officials reported.


Hawaii announced Thursday that it had identified his first case of the Omicron variant, in a resident who experienced “mild to moderate” symptoms q eu seems to be the first case reported in the country in an unvaccinated adult . Person had previously survived a COVID case – 12 more than a year ago, authorities said, and he had no history of travel outside the island.

The Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, announced Thursday night that the state had confirmed five cases of the Omicron variant .

“Let me be clear: this is no cause for alarm. We knew this variant would come and we have the tools to stop the spread, ”said Hochul. Get your shot. Get your reinforcement. Wear your mask. ”

New York State has confirmed five cases of the omicron variant.

Let me be clear: This is not cause for alarm. We knew this variant was coming and we have the tools to stop the spread.

Get your vaccine. Get your booster. Wear your mask.

– Kathy Hochul (@GovKathyHochul)

December 2, 2021

The Minnesota Department of Health said that an adult male, living in Hennepin County, had the Omicron variant . He was vaccinated about six months ago and received his booster shot in early November, department officials said Thursday. That patient had mild symptoms on 22 November, which have since been resolved.

The individual reported to the Minnesota Department of Health that he had traveled to New York City to attend Anime NYC Convention 2021 at the Javits Center of the 19 to the 21 November.

Because the Minnesota man attended the convention in New York, The variant is likely to be spreading in New York City, Health Commissioner Dr. Dave Chokshi , on Twitter, and urged convention attendees to get tested for Covid – 19 immediately and take precautions how to wear a mask and practice social distancing.

It is likely that this is not an isolated case, meaning that there is ongoing community spread of the Omicron variant in NYC.

– Commissioner Dave A. Chokshi, MD (@NYCHealthCommr) December 2, 2021

A woman living in Colorado also contracted the Omicron variant of the coronavirus , the state health department confirmed Thursday. The woman, who lives in Arapahoe County, had recently traveled to South Africa and was fully vaccinated, but had not received a booster shot. She is experiencing mild symptoms and is isolated at home, according to the Colorado Department of Health and Environment.

In California, where the first case of the Omicron variant was identified in the United States on December 1, two cases have been reported as of Thursday: the first in a San Francisco resident, fully vaccinated patient who had been to South Africa and presented mild Covid symptoms – 19 and the second, in Los Angeles County , also in an individual fully vaccinated against Covid – 12, who returned to Los Angeles County after traveling to South Africa via London on 22 of November.

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