Friday, September 20

Mexico will ask for help to vaccinate migrants in the US


Washington Hispanic:

Mexico tries Obtain assistance from non-profit organizations or the US government to obtain coronavirus vaccines for Mexican migrants working in the United States, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Wednesday.

Mexico will continue trying “because it is a universal right,” added the president. Undocumented migrants often have trouble accessing health services in the United States.

Mexico’s spokesman for the pandemic, Undersecretary of Health Hugo López-Gatell, said that The Mexican government cannot send vaccines to the United States, noting that attempts to work with civil rights groups have been unsuccessful because only health authorities have access to vaccines at this time.

“The SRE has been seeing if there is a possibility of having cooperation from the United States government or from any social organization from which vaccines can be obtained for our compatriots” in that country, López-Gatell affirmed, referring to the Ministry of Foreign Relations by its initials.

“It must be clear that the vaccine purchased by the Mexican government cannot be transported to the States United… for multiple legal and health regulatory reasons ”, apu ntó.