Monday, September 30

They create in Thailand pizza covered with a marijuana leaf

Una de las cadenas de comida rápida más famosas de Tailandia levantó revuelo con su última innovación.
One of Thailand’s most famous fast food chains created a stir with its latest innovation.

Photo: Arturo Holmes / Getty Images

Under the name of “happy crazy pizza”, The Puzza Company, one of the main fast food chains in Thailand, launched a new creation, an ordinary pizza covered with a fried marijuana leaf .

From According to the brand itself, it is a pizza that “It’s legal, but it doesn’t get you high”, where marijuana is an almost decorative condiment, which avoids any violation of the laws of that country, which strongly punish the traffic of this plant.

Although recreational marijuana is illegal and can land criminals in jail, cannabis is regulated for medicinal use in Thailand, which is the first country in Southeast Asia to remove specific parts and extracts of the plant from its list of controlled narcotics. In addition, in February, the legislation allowed its use in food and beverages .

Despite this, said Panusak Suensatboon, general manager of The Puzza Company, clarified that, “ Of course they can’t get high… It’s just a campaign advertising, and you can taste cannabis and if you consume enough of it, it might make you a little sleepy ”.

The “Crazy Happy Pizza” is a mixture of ingredients that evoke the flavors of the famous Thai Tom Yum Gai soup with a refried cannabis leaf on top . Cannabis is also infused into the dough with cheese and in the sauce.

Despite the “innovative” menu, The Puzza Company acknowledged that they have not meaning an increase in sales, due to the laws that restrict its advertising or sale to minors of 12 years.

“I don’t think the market is ready yet for cannabis products. We knew this from the beginning. We just wanted to be the first to launch something new and innovative on the market ”, shared the company to the Daily News.

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