Sunday, September 29

Business employees quit due to wave of violent robberies in the United States

Saqueos en la ciudad de Santa Monica, California el 31 de mayo de 2020.
Looting in the city of Santa Monica, California on 31 May 2020.

Photo: AGUSTIN PAULLIER / AFP / Getty Images

In recent days there have been various robberies of retail stores throughout the country, in some cases there were violent events, a situation that is frightening the workforce in this sector and is having repercussions in several resignations.

According to official reports, those who commit this type of crime enter into a mob to establishments with the intention of steal what they can and destroy everything else in their path .

This type of event has occurred in major cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, Miami, Dallas, Houston, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Washington and New York. These locations are not considered high risk.

According to police investigations, organized crime organizations operate in these cities that whip businesses and terrorize customers and employees.

According to Yahoo, after what happened, in recent weeks, executives at retail companies fear a cascade of employee resignations for feeling lurked by crime .

Just last Friday, in Chicago a group of criminals looted two Best Buy branches in the metropolitan area of ​​the city. The magnitude of what happened made it a national story.

Best Buy CEO Corie Barry told the media that one of the reasons many workers quit has to do with concerns about personal safety because it is the first priority of any worker.

Barry fears that the increase in retail thefts in California will become one more reason that fuels the trend of “the great resignation” because he considers that these risk situations “are traumatic experiences”.

But not only Chicago or Los Angeles have to face rising crime trends, San Francisco is a city that is in the interest of criminals, especially since it reactivated its sector commercial has been severely beaten by assailants.

According to police statistics, thefts have risen a 88% in relation to the previous year in the central district of the city and a 52% if all crimes and all sectors are included.

As the holidays approach Christmas holidays, fear can increase for retail workers, even media leaders such as the communicator Ana María Lomelí have put their finger on the line of what is happening.

With the holidays just around the corner, In the US, the “Destroy and Grab” modus operandi, which is being used by thieves to carry out lightning robberies in multiple luxury stores in cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco and Chicago

📸: @ CNNEE J

– Ana Maria Lomeli (@AnitaLomeli)

November 24, 2021

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