Monday, September 30

Western US states with the highest rate of job resignation

Las personas están regresando a los espacios físicos de trabajo a medida que la economía se recupera.
People are returning to physical work spaces as the economy recovers.

Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP / Getty Images

For a few months the United States Department of Labor has documented how the phenomenon of labor mobility has been throughout the country, due to the large number of resignations that have occurred throughout of the previous months, in particular in September.

In its latest public indicators, the federal agency reported that there was a record of resignations in September, representing 4.4 million . Many Americans are leaving their jobs for better working conditions and wages amid a rapid economic recovery.

According to the government body report, the wave resignations has not been uniform throughout the country. Western states, including Hawaii, Montana, Utah, and Oregon , posted the highest dropout growth in September . 11 states broke their records for dropout levels in September.

Industries that experienced high turnover rates led to resignations in the west of the country. The Labor Department reported that September was the month in which the number of resignations increased the fastest in northeastern states since the beginning of the year.

According to the study, the resignations that occurred the most were in the education sector . The education market represents the highest rate of employment in the Northeast states, compared to many others. Resignations have been on the rise at a faster rate than in any industry since January.

According to official data provided by the agency, Montana has the The nation’s largest share of employment in the arts, entertainment, and recreation sector, which includes jobs in museums, theaters, and amusement parks. But the state registered the second place of abandonment of work in the country .

The Department of Labor reported that the arts, entertainment and recreation industry experienced a sharp increase in 82% in dropouts compared to the previous month. Worker resignations also grew rapidly in other western states with a relative abundance of employees in the arts, including Utah, Colorado, and Nevada.

From East side of the country things are no better, job vacancies have risen rapidly in the Northeast since January, after the region’s labor market struggled throughout the 2020 against job losses and the collapse of the economy.

Many northeastern states fully reopened their economies this summer and saw relatively high vaccination rates, factors that converged to stimulate strong demand for workers from of employers.

States such as New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island have experienced one of the fastest growth in dropouts in the United States since January.

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