Thursday, September 19

Black Friday: crossing times of up to an hour were recorded at the border with Mexico

Ni las bajas temperaturas limitaron el cruce de personas en los diferentes puentes fronterizos entre México y Estados Unidos.
Not even the low temperatures limited the crossing of people on the different border bridges between Mexico and the United States.

Photo: GUILLERMO ARIAS / AFP / Getty Images

Thousands of Mexicans crossed the border with the United States this Friday to take advantage of the Black Friday offers after several months of closure.

Neither the low temperatures limit the crossing of people in the different border bridges between Mexico and the United States since since the reopening of the crossings is the first time that long lines of vehicles and pedestrians are observed .

The establishments in different American cities registered lines from very early and continued until the afternoon of this Friday.

Among the inhabitants of Tijuana the crossing of the border through the San Ysidro sentry box as in Otay was fast during the morning , however, after 9 am the waiting time to cross increased.

Hundreds of Tijuana residents take advantage of the offers to reach the Plaza de Las Américas as their first shopping destination.

In Tamaulipas at the Reynosa-Hidalgo border bridge, motorists had to wait up to one hour to cross r, while pedestrians took between 26 to 45 minutes .

In Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, the Juarez-Lincoln border bridge registered the shorter wait time as it logged up to 15 minutes of waiting time for motorists .

The Black Friday is the day where the official holiday shopping season which means stores are flooded with sales and discounts that present an opportunity for US citizens and tourists to start shopping for the season .

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