Sunday, September 22

Restrictions on a teen driving license in the United States

Whatever the state of the country, driving licenses for teenagers will always be governed by certain restrictions . This is due to the inexperience of this group of the population that is also present in some adults who have never operated a car and that can become a risk factor if it is not channeled correctly. In addition to the Department of Motor Vehicles, there are other similar agencies in some states that monitor the behavior of young drivers and also determine the traffic laws that apply to them, laws that may be different depending on the place, but that usually have similar restrictions. .

According to , some of those restrictions that weigh on teenage drivers after obtaining a driving license are the following:

1. Commit to completing a driver education program . This program is carried out in person in a classroom.

2. Practice with a driving instructor who also records your performance. The designated instructor must have a valid license in the state and normally must be older than 21 years.

3. Have parental consent when applying for permission. With consent, each state transfers responsibility for any event that occurs to the adult who signs the application.

4. Pass a written exam designed by the DMV or the appropriate office in your state .

5. Reach a provisional license phase to be able to drive without supervision.

6. Drive according to the schedule indicated by the authorities.

7. Drive with the passenger limit that the authorities determine for your age.

8. Driving alone in the company of family members.

Currently, adolescent drivers are closely related to distracted driving , therefore, they represent a risk group not only for the authorities, but also for the insurance companies, which tend to increase the rates of their services to guarantee protection at all times.

In this group, the tendency to use smartphones is also usually a risk factor . Although it is banned across the country and can result in harsh penalties, this form of distraction remains closely linked to a large number of deaths in the United States. For this reason, authorities continue to be very careful when granting driving privileges to inexperienced teens and adults.

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