Sunday, September 22

The pharmaceutical Merck reduces the effectiveness of its pill against covid-19

La farmacéutica Merck rebaja la efectividad de su pastilla contra la covid-19

Photo: Kena Betancur / Getty Images



The US pharmaceutical company Merck lowered the effectiveness of its oral drug to treat covid – 19 in adult patients, who previously stated that was of 30% and now indicates that it is only from 30%.

In a In a report published by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Merck reported that final analyzes point to an effectiveness of the 30%, significantly below what the company itself had said in October.

The drug Lagevrio (molnupiravir), is still being studied by the FDA for its potential approval, which for the moment has confirmed that

the use of the antiviral reduces the risk of being hospitalized and of f allecer .

In October, Merck and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics, which developed the drug, requested an authorization for emergency use from the United States health authorities and requested marketing permits from other regulatory agencies around the world.

The drug, available in capsules, should be taken twice at day for 5 days , for adults with covid – 19 who do not require supplemental oxygen and are patients at risk of developing disease in its serious condition.

For its part, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) began to evaluate the application for a marketing license in the European Union ( EU) for molnupiravir.

The European regulator said it will “evaluate the benefits and risks” of Lagev rio “in a short time” and could issue an opinion on the license in “a few weeks” if the data submitted by the pharmaceutical companies is sufficiently robust and complete to demonstrate the efficacy, safety and quality of the drug.

The conclusion of the EMA will be reached in a shorter time because the committee for medicinal products for human use (CHMP) has already carried out work in recent weeks, during the continuous evaluation of the drug , by evaluating drug data as it became available and shared by developers.

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