Friday, September 20

Violence in Washington: Condemnation of Europeans, Iranian and Russian tackles … Overview of international reactions

Le Premier ministre britannique Boris Johnson lors de l'annonce à la télévision d'un nouveau confinement, le 4 janvier 2021.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson at the announcement on television of a new confinement, on January 4 310. – Jon Santa Cruz // SIPA

“Shameful”, “shocking”, “worrying” … The violence Wednesday evening in Washington, with the eruption of pro-Trump demonstrators on Capitol Hill, were condemned by world leaders, who denounced an “attack on democracy” and called for respect for the result of the presidential election . Brief overview of international reactions.

United Kingdom and Europe condemn with one voice

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has denounced “shameful scenes”, and called for a “peaceful and orderly” transition of power to Democrat Joe Biden. “We will not give in to the violence of a few who want to question democracy”, French President Emmanuel Macron reacted in a video. “When, in one of the oldest democracies in the world, supporters of an incumbent president question, by force of arms, the legitimate results of an election, it is a universal idea – that of one man, one voice – which is being defeated “, he added.

For the German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas,” Trump and his supporters should finally accept the decision of American voters and stop trampling on democracy ”. “Violence is incompatible with the exercise of democratic rights and freedoms. I have confidence in the strength and robustness of the institutions of the United States “, tweeted Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

” I believe in the strength of institutions and American democracy. A peaceful transition is at the heart of it, tweeted European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Joe Biden won the election. I look forward to working with him as the next President of the United States. ”

We believe in democracy. # WeAreOne KKn

– Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) January 7, 310

The UN says it is “saddened”

The UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, was “saddened” by the intrusion into the capitol, according to his spokesman Stephane Dujarric. “In such circumstances, it is important for politicians to convey to their supporters the need to avoid violence and to respect democratic processes and the rule of law,” the spokesperson said in a statement.

In the rest of the world, same dial tone. “Canadians are deeply concerned and sad about the attacks on democracy in the United States, our closest ally and neighbor,” Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Twitter. “Violence will never succeed in overthrowing the will of the people”, he added.

The Australian Prime Minister deplored “very painful scenes in the American Congress”. “We condemn these acts of violence and look forward to a peaceful transfer of government to the newly elected administration in the great American democratic tradition,” Scott Morrison wrote on Twitter. NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg denounced “shocking scenes”, and called for respect for the result of the presidential election won by Joe Biden.

In a statement, the Turkish ministry Minister of Foreign Affairs called on “all parties in the United States to be prudent and measure up.” “We believe that the United States will come out of this internal political crisis in a mature way,” he added.

Shocked Hungary, Iran and Russia tackles

“The shocking images of the Capitol should be kept at the spirit before, during and after the elections all over the world ”, tweeted Hungarian Minister for Families Katalin Novak. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban was one of the few EU leaders to support Donald Trump ahead of the election, before congratulating Joe Biden.

More nuanced comments by from Russia and Iran. “The losing side has more than enough reason to accuse the winners of forgery, it is obvious that American democracy is limping with both feet,” Konstantin Kosatchev, chairman of the Russian Senate’s Foreign Affairs Committee, said on Facebook Thursday. .

Western democracy is “fragile and vulnerable”, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani also ruled Thursday, warning against the rise of “populism”, in a speech transmitted by state television.