Saturday, October 5

Biden on the case of Ahmaud Arbery: justice did its job, but still not enough

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden.
The president of the United States, Joe Biden.

Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP / Getty Images

President Joe Biden considered this Wednesday that the guilty verdict against three white men for the murder of the young African American Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia in February 2020, it is not enough on its own.

Biden indicated in a statement that the jury’s decision reflects that “the justice system” is doing its job, but it is not enough. “We must re-commit ourselves to building a future of unity and shared strength, where no one fears violence because of the color of their skin,” he stressed.

In that sense, he assured that his Administration will continue to work so that equitable justice is not just a phrase “stamped on a stone” at the headquarters of the Supreme Court, but also a reality for Americans.

In this way the president reacted to the verdict this Wednesday of a jury that has found guilty of murder the three accused of having killed in February of 2020 to young African American Ahmaud Arbery .

Nothing can bring Mr. Arbery back to his family and to his community, but the verdict ensures that those who committed this horrible crime will be punished.

– President Biden (@POTUS) November 23, 2021

Arbery, 25, died on 23 February 2020 while working out in Satilla Shores, a mostly white area in the coastal town of Brunswick, in the state of Georgia.

When they saw Arbery, two of the defendants, Gregory and Travis McMichael , who are father and son, got into a van with their firearms and started chasing the African American.

A neighbor, William “ Roddie ”Bryan, joined the chase and videotaped how Travis McMichael shot Arbery up close, causing him death.

The three men were indicted after it was made public that video, ten weeks after Arbery’s death.

Biden pointed out that this murder “seen by the world in a video” is a “devastating reminder” of how far the United States must advance in the fight against racial justice.

“Mr. Arbery should be here today, celebrating the (Thanksgiving) holidays with his mother Wanda Cooper-Jones and his father, Marcus Arbery.” , remarked the president.

Biden acknowledged that the verdict will not return the young man to his family, but guarantees that “those who committed this terrible crime will be punished.”

Now Judge Timothy Walmsley, of the Superior Court of Georgia, will have to decide a sentence that could be up to life imprisonment against the three defendants, since in Ge Orgy, murder is punishable by this type of penalty.

With information from EFE

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