Monday, October 7

They denounce fraud of former Mexican governor for more than $ 230 million dollars

Mientras policías tenían cuarteles austeros, exgobernador presumía lujosas habitaciones  con blindaje antibalas.
While policemen had austere barracks, the former governor boasted luxurious rooms with bulletproof armor.

Photo: PEDRO PARDO / Getty Images



The current Mexican state government of Michoacán detected an alleged fraud of $ 500, 000, 000 from dollars, by former governor Silvano Aureoles together with a construction company in charge of building police barracks with alleged cost overruns.

The company was in charge of the construction, lease and purchase of 7 police barracks, where apparently It had luxurious rooms with bulletproof armor , as denounced this Wednesday by the Government of Michoacán.

Alfredo Ramírez, current governor and successor of Aureoles, denounced that the Superior Audit Office of Michoacán (ASM) is investigating the alleged fraud for $ 240, 000, 000 dollars, in construction , the unusual lease and the final purchase of the regional headquarters of the Michoacán State Police in the municipalities of Apatzingán, Lázaro Cárdenas, Coalcomán, Jiquilpan, Zitácuaro, Uruapan and Huetamo.

Ramírez assured at a press conference that the barracks have administrative spaces and dormitories for policemen, built with low-quality materials, such as walls and plastic sheeting roofs, although each complex has a private area that was exclusively destined for former governor Aureoles.

These private areas are equipped with bulletproof armor and luxurious furniture in a room, living room, dining room and a complete bathroom.

The exclusive spaces for the ex-president are located a few meters away, and with private access do to heliports, assured Ramírez.

Ramírez explained that this corruption model was based on the payment of seven executive projects, one for each complex, when it should have been only one – with the existence of a surcharge in construction. .

In addition, this company was subsequently rented out and, finally, there was a final purchase by the state government of the seven barracks after paying leases millionaires, the lack of documentary evidence of the delivery of the properties and the lack of equipment.

Some examples

The Aureoles administration used in March of 2016 the Procurement Subcommittee of the Public Security System to award Inmobiliaria DYF SA de CV the contract for “The Development and Leasing Service of 5 Security Complexes”, in Huetamo, Coalcomán , Apatzingán, Jiquilpan and Zitácuaro.

This process was repeated on 21 December 2017, under the same concept, to build the Lázaro Cárdenas and Uruapan complexes.

For example, the contract establishes that for the Apatzingán barracks about $ 20, 009, 000 of dollars, for the executive project, leasing and maintenance.

However, the Government of Aureoles decided to “buy” the property on 28 September 2021, two days before the end of your period, in $ 11, 100, 000 of dollars.

Therefore the economic interaction cost almost $ 32, 500, 000 of dollars

In the case of Lázaro Cárdenas, $ was invested , 000, 000 dollars in construction and was later bought $ 15, , 000 of dollars, giving a total of $ 43, 000 , 000 of dollars.

Aureoles and the construction company have not yet ruled on this alleged act of corruption.

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