Sunday, October 6

Biden Promises National Plan Against Gender Violence; called it a shadow pandemic

Biden conmemoró así el Día Internacional para la Eliminación de la Violencia contra las Mujeres.
Biden thus commemorated the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Photo: NICHOLAS KAMM / AFP / Getty Images



The president of the United States, Joe Biden, promised this Thursday that his Administration launch a national action plan against gender violence , and update the strategy for the prevention and response to this type of violence.

“Eliminate violence against women it is an objective that we must prioritize in everything we do ”, said Biden in a statement on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Biden considered that the Covid – 19 brought with it a “shadow pandemic ”, with the increase in cases of sexist violence throughout the world, including the United States.

This increase, in his opinion, has exacerbated an already “entrenched” human rights crisis.

In addition regretted that women who are in public life continue to experience threats, attacks and reprisals on the networks and in real life .

“It is estimated that one in three women they will suffer physical violence, rape or harassment by their partner at some point in their lives. One of three. It is unacceptable ”, said Biden, who also considered that in many of these cases the women and girls who suffer them belong to marginalized communities, they are people of color or the LGTBQI + community and people with disabilities.

Biden noted that ending gender-based violence is not only a “moral imperative” but also an “imperative strategy” to ensure full equality.

That is why he promised that in the coming months his Government will launch the first “National Plan of Action to end violence gender ”, which includes assistance to victims, prevention and the regulatory changes necessary to help in this objective.

In addition assured that it will ask the National Security Council to update the Strategy for the Prevention and Response against Gender Violence at the national and global level, that g government launched recently, to be able to use all the tools available to foreign policy.

The aforementioned strategy was approved just a year ago. month, and has the commitment to strengthen the legal framework against sexist violence. It was the first time that the US government has set a series of specific objectives related to equality in its national and international policy.

Violence against women and girls is a serious violation of human rights and the right of women to live without violence is enshrined in international agreements . Worldwide, only 40 percent of women seeks help after suffering violence, which forces institutions to promote prevention and aid policies.

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