Wednesday, October 9

Effects of Mercury in Sagittarius: what it means for your zodiac sign

Mercury is the astrological planet that governs all forms of communication, including the way we express ourselves and relate to people. Depending on the sign where you are in the sky is the effect it will have on all the signs of the zodiac. Starting this Wednesday 24 November and until Monday 13 December will transit through Sagittarius .

By itself, the energy of the star regulates the information that we spread to others, as well as short-distance travel and technology, therefore, when it is retrograde its vibrations cause chaos, confusion and misunderstandings

The effects of Mercury on Sagittarius

Sagittarius is the opposite of Gemini, one of the signs that governs Mercury, therefore the power of Mercury is weakened. However, that does not mean that your energy generally stops affecting. In the cosmos there will be fascination for new concepts, ideas, philosophies or motivation towards metaphysical and spiritual activities , astrologers explained in

With Mercury in Sagittarius it will be easier than usual to defend our ideas, propose and even ask for raises. In love, could encourage us to say “I love you” for the first time or share expectations around a relationship. In addition, it will encourage long and deep conversations.

How Mercury in Sagittarius affects each zodiac sign

From According to a review by astrologer Kylie Thomas in the New York Post, this is how the transit of Mercury through Sagittarius will affect all zodiacal signs.


Will be more focused on big goals of his life. You will learn easier and you will be amazed at how much wisdom you possess. Professional, academic or spiritual trips are on the horizon.


You will think about the role you play in your love, friendship, family and professional relationships. This transit encourages you to walk hand in hand with other people and leave your loneliness behind. On the other hand, you could have more balance in your finances and assets.


It will be weeks to focus on bonding, trust and commitments. Some negotiations of any kind are likely to take up a lot of space on your agenda, however, they will be the opportunity to reach excellent agreements.


You will discover that you have new skills in your job, which could trigger small discussions with colleagues. It is a good period to attract new clients, contracts or responsibilities.


Your creativity will be at its best and it will help you to open your perspective on life. There will be new opportunities at the professional level, however, you should not neglect matters of the heart.


The transit of Mercury through Sagittarius could bring you family arguments . If you want to take the initiative to resolve any situation at home, you must do so with thanks and empathy.


You will have a clear vision of what think and would like the world to know. Launching a new project or updating your resume are the activities that favor you with this astrological transit.


Personal finances will be Scorpio’s theme for the next few weeks. It is a good time to assess your financial status, mainly due to the expenses that lie ahead for the holidays.


Your ability to communicate, persuade, seduce and connect is now stronger. It is the ideal time to launch any important project because it has people’s attention, they observe it and they listen.


It is time to remain calm, reflective and analyze things with a new focus, especially now that your mind will be more creative. The suggestion is to start a dream journal to find and connect patterns that lead you to that great idea.


The transit of Mercury through Sagittarius will detonate your social life. Your popularity will grow, so take the opportunity to plan your upcoming holiday events. If you are single now is the time to meet someone.


You will have the opportunity to show that your opinions and work contributes a lot to your professional projects. These days are ideal to publicize your ambitions, new job offers are looming on the horizon.

You may be interested in: Venus in Sagittarius: the planetary transit that will change your love life, according to astrologers