Friday, September 20

Cabinet members and lawmakers discuss disbaring Trump for disability

The opinion


Cabinet members consider invoking the Amendment 25 of the Constitution and place Pence in the Presidency until 20 from January The video in which Trump addresses his followers was one of those that he deleted Twitter. Photo: SHAWN THEW / EFE

By: EFE 16 from January 2021

WASHINGTON – Some members of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet and some legislators are studying the possibility of invoking the amendment 25 of the Constitution alleging his inability to serve in office and trespassing Vice President Mike Pence is serving as President, even though he only has two weeks left in office.

Several members of the government cabinet are discussing the possibility of invoking the Amendment 25 to force the immediate exit of Trump , according to CNN , although there are broad doubts about whether this process contemplated by the Constitution would prosper or whether it is advisable at this time.

The Constitution contemplates the possibility that the vice president and a majority of minist Cabinet officials (department secretaries) transmit a written declaration in which they declare the incapacity of the president to perform his functions, without any vote, and so that power is transferred immediately to the vice president, in this case Mike Pence .

If President Donald Trump were against it and not If there is an agreement, the Congress would settle the differences.

A group of 17 Democrats, members of the House Judiciary Committee , have sent a letter to Pence to invoke the amendment 25, since they consider that Trump has incited the multi tud of sympathizers concentrated this Wednesday in Washington at the assault by the force of the Capitol .

Trump harangued his followers and reiterated that they had stolen the November elections with a fraud , of which there is no proof. Shortly after, hundreds of people forcibly stormed the Legislative headquarters, where this afternoon the Democrat’s presidential electoral victory was to be certified Joe Biden .

After that step , which is normally a smooth procedure, Biden should inaugurate his term in a public ceremony on the steps of the Capitol day 20 from January.

According to the legislators’ letter, “Trump is not mentally stable and is incapable of accepting the results of the elections ”and is willing to incite violent revolts to prevent the result of the November elections from being certified.

According to Vanity Fair, the White House legal advisor Pat Cipollone has advised members of Trump’s team to keep their distance with the president, since risk being charged with treason under the law of sedition , which includes harsh jail sentences.

Several legislators, including the president of the Senate, the Republican Mitch McConnell , have described the assault on the Capitol as an act of insurrection , in which a woman Trump sympathizer was killed.

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