Tuesday, October 8

An alleged killer of a 70-year-old man who tried to kidnap two women was killed in a shootout with Pasadena police.

La policía acordonó una amplia franja en North Sunnyslope Avenue, donde ocurrió el tiroteo.
Police cordoned off a wide strip of North Sunnyslope Avenue, where the shooting occurred.

Photo: JEWEL SAMAD / AFP / Getty Images

An armed suspect who allegedly murdered a man from 70 years and that he tried to kidnap two women when he was escaping, died this Tuesday afternoon in a shooting confrontation with the Pasadena police .

According to reports, the events began at approximately 2: 30 pm, on the 500 block of North Sunnyslope Avenue, where the Suspect shot the 70 year old man who died .

A gunman was killed during a shootout with police on Tuesday after allegedly killing another U.S. try to kidnap two women in Pasadena. https://t.co/PIO2AvyNPV

– TELEMUNDO 52 (@TELEMUNDO52) November 24, 2021

Subsequently, the individual tried to escape the scene by stealing a car from a woman and forcing her to remain in the vehicle while driving away .

When Pasadena authorities arrived in the area, the suspect got out of the vehicle and held an exchange of fire with the officers s.

Subject found another woman and tried to hold her hostage, but was shot dead in front of the entrance of a residence .

“It was a lot of shots at once. It continued for a while, it wasn’t just one, I heard it a couple of times, ”said a resident.

Authorities investigate

Detectives cordoned off a large area of ​​the neighborhood where the chain of incidents occurred.

Investigations should confirm if the suspect was killed by police bullets, or possible injuries with a self-inflicted firearm .

The victim of 70 years who received a gunshot he was transferred in critical condition to a local hospital, where moments later he was pronounced dead.

Allegedly, the attacker and the victim previously knew each other , but at the moment the motives behind the shooting are unknown.

The authorities have not disclosed the ide Suspect’s identity, but was described as a male of approximately 20 years.

Of the two women who were held hostage by the suspect on the street, none was injured , and received medical attention from paramedics due to the shock of these incidents.

No police officer was injured during the exchange of shots with the suspect.

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