Sunday, September 29

They create piñata of “Benito Rivers”, but it is seen as disrespect to Octavio Ocaña and family

The surprising death of Octavio Ocaña continues to give something to talk about, this time the controversy arose due to the piñata that was created as a tribute to the young actor ; However, the result was not what was expected and received strong criticism on social networks.

Those in charge of making it was the now famous Piñatería Ramírez, a store that has become known for making paper figures inspired by all kinds of characters, from politicians, singers or actors who are in the spotlight, this time the actor Octavio Ocaña, who lost his life in the past 29 of October .

It was through their official Facebook page where they announced that their most recent creation, a posthumous tribute for the actor who played the charismatic character from the series Neighbors, “Benito Rivers.”

Our tribute with love and respect to Benito Rivers. He did not want to be an actor, nor did he want to be murdered “, was the message with which they accompanied the character dressed in a black jacket and a hat, as he appeared in his childhood during a chapter of the comic series.

As expected, the creator received congratulatory messages for creativity and even asked add other details.

Rest in peace our Octavio Ocaña, we will remember him with joy, he will be the eternal child of neighbors ” , “ As always spectacular s”, wrote the loyal fans.

In contrast, the crafts were not well received in other social networks in which it was shared. An example of this was the page of the Telemundo program ‘Suelta la Sopa’, where criticism rained down and it was seen as a lack of respect for the family and the memory of the young man actor.

The piñata is when they want to do something funny or something like that and I think that in this case it does not apply they should respect “, “ Give a stick to a piñata of a being who died recently “, “ How can they talk about affection and respect ?? !! “,” Pass, respect the pain of others for God have mercy on the pain of the mother “,” What a scandal , they can’t find what to do for their publicity “,” What a lack of conscience and not respecting their father’s grief they all want to grab money ” some users pointed out.

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