Monday, September 30

Thawing a whole turkey: the 3 safe methods recommended by the USDA and how you should never do it

Descongelar el pavo a temperatura ambiente no es un método seguro.
Thawing turkey at room temperature is not a safe method.

Photo: RODNAE Productions / Pexels

One of the most important things to consider in advance when planning to cook turkey for Thanksgiving dinner is defrosting. The safest way to defrost turkey is in the refrigerator. But if you didn’t have the time to defrost it in advance, there are other safe ways to do it the day you will cook it and we explain how to do it.

Thawing turkey at room temperature is not a safe method. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that bacteria can multiply rapidly in meat if left at room temperature.

What to do if the day has come to cook the turkey and it is still frozen

It is perfectly safe to cook a frozen turkey ; just that it will take 50 percent longer to cook than a thawed turkey. You can also use the defrost method with cold water and using the microwave.

The best way to ensure that the turkey is safely cooked is to use a food thermometer, the bird should reach the 165 ° F . Insert a food thermometer into the innermost part of the thigh and brim and the thickest part of the breast.

Three safe ways to thaw a turkey

1. In the refridgerator

Turkey thawed in the refrigerator requires one day for every 4 to 5 pounds of weight . That is, if a turkey weighs 16 pounds, it will take about four days to thaw. Once thawed, the turkey is safe for another two days in the refrigerator before cooking.

2. In cold water

To defrost with cold water, leave the turkey in its original packaging and submerge it in the sink or in a container filled with cold water. Replace water with fresh water every 30 minutes to keep the turkey at a safe temperature.

The water defrost method allows requires a period of 30 minutes for each pound of turkey . Once thawed, the turkey should be cooked immediately.

3. In a microwave oven

Before Try defrosting the turkey in the microwave oven, check that the bird fits in the appliance. Remove all wrapping from the turkey and place it on a microwave-safe plate to collect any juices that drip. Use the defrost function based on weight.

When defrosting a turkey in the microwave, It usually takes 6 minutes per pound. During the defrosting process, you need to rotate the bird several times and even turn it over.

The turkey may begin to cook, if this happens, let the bird rest for about 5 minutes before resuming defrosting. Once thawed, cook the turkey immediately.

How you should not defrost a turkey

Thaw a turkey on the counter, in a paper or plastic bag, in the dishwasher or other place at room temperature or in the “danger zone” between 40 F and 140 ° F, it is not a safe method.

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