Monday, October 7

Las Vegas Liquor Store Owner Dies in Shock; his father had passed away in August

La cadena de licorerías de la familia Lee cuenta con 23 tiendas en Nevada
The Lee family liquor store chain has 23 stores in Nevada

Photo: ANGELA WEISS / AFP / Getty Images

Three months after the founder of a famous Las Vegas liquor store lost his life, his son and the CEO of the Lee’s Discount Liquor franchise died in a vehicle accident .

The community of Las Vegas dawned Saturday with the news that Kenny Lee of 53 years, suffered the tragic accident Friday night when crashing near Elko, in northern Nevada. Lee is survived by his wife and three children.

The liquor store chain, comprising up to 23 stores, confirmed death. “Please keep the entire Lee family in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time,” it reads.

According to the website of the company, Hae Un Lee, a Korean immigrant, founded the first store in 1980. The success of his management was translated into the branches in the Las Vegas Valley and in other cities of the state. Hae Un Lee died less than three months ago of pancreatic cancer at the age of 79 years.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal indicated that it does 20 years ago the Lee family founded the Lee’s Helping Hand organization, which has donated millions of dollars to charitable causes in Nevada, including services for immigrants , according to the company itself.

Even the Governor Steve Sisolak spoke on the news: “Kathy (his wife) and I are shocked and saddened to hear the news from Kenny Lee. Our condolences, thoughts and prayers go out to the Lee family. ”

Kenny Lee had been the president of the company since 1993.

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