Wednesday, October 9

VIDEO: Body camera of a policeman shows the exact moment of the rescue of the Turpin brothers and the misery inside the house

La policía respondió a un llamado de auxilio en Perris, California, el 14 de enero de 2018.
Police responded to a call for help in Perris, California, on 14 of January of 2018.

Photo: BILL WECHTER / AFP / Getty Images

A unpublished police video , shows the complaint of Jordan Turpin, after fleeing from his parents’ house and the miserable conditions in which he lived together with his 11 sisters in the so-called “ House of Horrors “.

The police responded to a call for help at Perris, California, on 14 of January of 2018, after Jordan escaped from the house through a window and told the police officer “my two little sisters are now in chains.”

He went on to say that his parents, David and Louise Turpin, had violently abused and starved their 13 children for years.

In an ABC special report on the family, body camera footage of the moment police first arrived on the scene and found Jordan, a prisoner of the Panic, standing on the side of the street.

A deputy sheriff is heard, approaching the end of his shift, saluting Jordan when he gets out of his cruiser and says, “Hi, Jordan. What’s going on? ”

“ I ran away from home and live in a family of 15, ”says Jordan in the video. “My two little sisters at the moment are in chains… they stole my mother’s food.”

She added: “We live in dirt, and sometimes I wake up and can’t breathe because of how dirty the house is. We never bathed. ”

Officers then knocked on the door of the house for more than two minutes before parents David and Louise Turpin

Louise can be heard saying they were in bed when the police informed her that they were there for a wellness check, after her daughter called them.

Once inside, officers found piles of trash , feces and moldy food.

They also found dirty, pale and extremely thin children.

In a dirty room, a policeman discovered two girls brittle, bruised, and covered in dirt.

“Hi honey. Hello girls. Can I see your dolls? ”Says the officer. “We are here to help you.”

So Louise can be heard asking the police “Is that what this is about?” to which the officer replied, “well that’s part of it, definitely.”

Then the officers rushed to free the children, while arresting the parents and asking them where to find the key to the chains.

Battered siblings, from two to 29 years, they were taken to a hospital where they were fed and cared for.

However , the shackles were simply the tip of the iceberg in what had been decades of vile abuse and acts of torture within the Turpin household.

Researchers would later discover that children were frequently beaten by their parents until they bled, strangled and allowed to eat only once a day and shower only once a year.

The couple, who quoted the Bible to justify the frequent beatings, left some of children tied up for months.

The children lived on bologna and peanut butter sandwiches while their parents gorged themselves on takeout food in front of them.

Children were not allowed to exercise, they could only speak when spoken to and were also prohibited from socializing with each other.

David and Louise tormented the children by neglecting the apple and pumpkin pies they were forbidden to eat.

They also bought toys for the children , but they refused to open them.

When the police entered the house, they believed that all the children were under the age of 18 years because of how malnourished they looked and how young they looked.

However , seven of the 13 children had more from 18 years at that time.

David, then of 57 years, and Louise, of 50, were arrested and later sentenced to life imprisonment for the horrific abuse and imprisonment of their children.

Pleaded guilty to 14 charges including cruelty to a dependent adult, child cruelty, torture and imprisonment fake. All the Turpin brothers spent weeks in the hospital before six of the brothers split into two different foster homes.

Read more

Turpin parents sentenced to life imprisonment for torturing their 13 sons

Reveal the audio of the call to 911 that did one of the 13 children of the Turpin family

Parents accused of torturing their 13 children plead guilty