Wednesday, October 9

Former Brazilian President Lula is considering a new presidential candidacy

El expresidente de Brasil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.
The former president of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

Photo: JULIEN DE ROSA / AFP / Getty Images



The former Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has assured that he wants to be a candidate again to preside over his country, but has added that is going to decide between February and March “because there is a lot to decide.”

Lula, of 76 years, has recovered his political rights this year after the Supreme Court of Brazil will annul the two convictions against him for corruption and for which he passed 580 days in prison .

And in an act of the Spanish left-wing party Podemos in Madrid, after a tour of Germany, Belgium and France, he made this announcement, which he framed in support of of his followers during and after his incarceration.

Until now, the former Brazilian president had limited himself to pointing out that his party would have a candidate and that he would decide it in February or March, but this Saturday he has gone further to express their desire to be, even though they have not taken the decision for granted.

“If they transformed me into gold, I would not have a way to pay the gratitude that I have because of you, made me want to run for president again “, Lula exclaimed on stage next to the former leader of Podemos Pablo Iglesias, the current secretary general of the party, Ione Belarra, or Enrique Santiago, general secretary of the Communist Party.

I have 76 years, I am in love, I am going to get married and I should say the following: I already fought a lot, I should take care of my life, but the one who is born for the fight he no longer owns himself “, has added the former Brazilian president, who in recent days has met with the Spanish president, Pedro Sánchez, the French, Emmanuel Macron, or the former Spanish president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

And he has framed his trip in an attempt to “prove to the Brazilian people that Brazil is loved, that people want to Brazil “, in addition to being” convinced “that they can do Brazil. “I cannot do less than what I have already done, if I have to go back and do less, it is better not to go back”, he added.

Regarding the process that led him to be 580 days in prison, he pointed out that as they did not have “Nothing” to attack him, they constructed through the media the idea of ​​a “corruption gang” and later convicted him without “evidence” and he has indicated that if he turned himself in, it was so that there would not be a photo of him as a “corrupt fugitive”.

“And one day they released me, I went to my house without an anklet, with my head up ”, he added.

In addition, he has called for the left to make the fight against inequality in the world its flag , has raised a speech against hunger and in the face of the right wing’s rejection of immigration, he has pointed out that “poverty is uncomfortable.”

Advocates also for fight for the environmental issue , as an issue that is no longer about green parties “or sophisticated middle layers”, but about planet earth, and has also warned about the data industry or digital employment, that In his opinion, it can generate hostages of industries that are not known.

Before Lula took the floor, Belarra has indicated that the pandemic has shown the fallacies of neoliberalism, has defended a tax reform so that “tell the super rich that they want to become independent and set up a colony on Mars that they have to pay what they have to.” The secretary general of Podemos has warned: what happened in Brazil could happen in Spain. “ The right and the extreme right only bet on democracy when they win “. And he has accused the PP of breaking the law in order not to renew the judiciary and continue to control it through the back door.

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