Sunday, September 29

Vaccinated adults could soon receive the COVID-19 booster vaccine from Pfizer in the US.

Algunos estados ya autorizaron el refuerzo de vacuna Covid-19.
Some states have already authorized the Covid vaccine booster – 19.

Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

People aged 18 years and over who are already fully vaccinated against Covid – 19 could soon be eligible to receive a booster shot of the Pfizer Covid vaccine – 19 , because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA ) authorize booster dose of Pfizer Covid vaccine – 19 for all adults as early as Thursday, according to The New York Times.

And the committee Independent vaccine experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is scheduled to meet on Friday to discuss data on the efficacy and safety of the booster dose , according to The New York Times.

If both the FDA and CDC approve to go ahead with the authorization, any adult in the United States who has received a second dose of the Covid vaccine – 19 six months or more ago, yes will be eligible to receive a booster dose starting this weekend .

On September, Pfizer was authorized to provide booster vaccines to anyone aged 65 years or older and to persons older than 18 years who had any reason to believe they were at risk of contracting a serious illness, either from work or from a health condition.

Pfizer indicated in early November that sought to expand that authorization to all those older than 18 years, based on data from a clinical trial or showing that a booster improves the efficacy of the Covid vaccine – 19 for all adults.

Some states, including California, Arkansas, Colorado, and New Mexico, have already authorized booster doses of the Covid vaccine – 19 from Pfizer to adults, due to the increase in coronavirus cases in their states.

New coronavirus cases are increasing in more than half of all states. Experts warn that this could be the beginning of a prolonged winter surge, a worrying sign for the United States ahead of the Christmas travel season.

The increase is a sea change after cases had declined steadily from mid-September to late October.

The country now has an average of more than 83, 000 cases per day, approximately an increase of 14% increase compared to ago a week and a 12% more than two weeks ago.

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