Monday, September 30

The energy of the Cumbre Vieja diminishes, but the experts see the end far away

Para los expertos, el final de la erupción no será a corto plazo.
For experts, the end of the eruption will not be in the short term.

Photo: Dan Kitwood / Getty Images



The energy of the eruptive system of the Cumbre Vieja volcano, on the Canary Island of La Palma continues to show a downward trend in recent days , although the eruption, started on 19 September, will not end in the short term according to experts.

This was stated today by María José Blanco, the scientific spokesperson for the Canary Islands Volcanic Emergency Plan (Pevolca), which coordinates the actions related to the eruption.

He explained that there has been a decrease in all the parameters used to monitor the activity of the volcano, especially seismicity, soil deformation and emission of sulfur dioxide (SO2), which yesterday was between 3, 000 and 3, 500 tons, although it is a “slow” trend and they need to continue decreasing even to “reach lower levels” .

Seismicity has dropped at intermediate depths compared to previous weeks and since the beginning of November there has been “ a notable decrease ”of soil deformation.

Blanco pointed out that the Cumbre Vieja is currently “in a more stable process and a lower level of activity”, but stressed that “in the short term the eruption is not going to end.”

The only observable parameter to predict how much the volcano has left that has worsened in the last hours is the tremor, which has experienced a rebound.

That, and the high concentrations of SO2, that has made some points of the island next to the volcano the recommended amounts are exceeded.

In addition, the direction that may t omar the ash cloud in case it could affect La Palma airport again, as it already happened early this Tuesday and caused the cancellation of four flights.

Regarding the progress of the castings, there have been fillings in one of them while another, the marked with the number 9 it continues to grow the new lava delta , formed by the contact of lava with the ocean, and which already occupies 42 hectares, 1. 09 more than him Monday.

According to the latest data, the damaged buildings for the lava there are already 1, 462, of which 1, 181 are homes, 152 for agricultural use and 67 for industrial use , among other. Regarding agricultural area, they are 305. 59 hectares, 10 more than yesterday, the most banana trees.

From the Volcanic Emergency Plan of the Canary Islands (Pevolca), citizens were asked again this Tuesday to take extreme precautions in cleaning work ash, especially when the work is done at height, to avoid accidents .

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