Sunday, October 6

Ignition interlock device in the car: why the authorities demand its installation

Los dispositivos de enclavamiento impiden que los conductores ebrios o dopados enciendan sus autos.
Interlocking devices prevent drunk or doped drivers from starting their cars.

Photo: Karolina Grabowska / Pixabay

Considered one of the most serious crimes, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI or DWI) in the United States often involves the license suspension , among other penalties . For this reason, it is normal that in many states, the authorities require the installation of an interlock device, also known as an “ignition interlock device”, which can measure the degree of intoxication of the driver guilty of this crime. In this way, the authorities guarantee that you cannot drive if you exceed certain established levels. This device, in addition to ensuring the safety of the offending driver and the people around him, contributes to his rehabilitation process since it only operates with extremely low levels of blood alcohol concentration (BAC), levels that can vary from state in state but which are normally set to 0, 05%.

In the state of New Jersey, for example, interlocking devices are installed for a specified time , depending on the severity of the act committed by the driver. In that sense, the traffic court can determine:

1. If it is the first offense of this nature, the driver must wear the ignition interlock device for six months to one year . When the BAC index far exceeds the limit number, the device can stay longer.

2. When the driver repeats the offense and commits a second DUI or DWI offense, authorities require that they carry this type of device for one to three years.

It is important to note that these devices are only installed once the driver he regains his privileges , that is, once he completes his sentence and pays the fines or penalties imposed for having committed the crime. In some cases, as a precaution, they can be installed during the time of suspension of privileges to prevent the driver from committing other crimes such as driving with a suspended license .

Each state may have certain specific regulations regarding these devices , but it is normal for the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to regulate and also assist the offender at installation, or at least offer you information on how to obtain it, considering a list of acceptable manufacturers.

In the same way as they are installed in a car, interlocking devices can be required on motorcycles or other vehicles to fulfill the same function . Refusing this alternative may imply the suspension of the driver’s license for a much longer time than that established in the first instance.

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