Sunday, October 6

Carmen Salinas: the losses of her life, the death of her son Pedro Plascencia, the strongest

The actress and producer Carmen Salinas , who is hospitalized after suffering a stroke cerebral , has had great moments in his almost 60 years of artistic career, but he has also faced some tragedies full of difficult and sad moments in his personal life, of the who has been able to get ahead.

Without a doubt , the strongest blow that Carmen Salinas has faced has been the death of her son Pedro Plascencia Salinas, who died on 19 April 1994, victim of lung cancer .

Salinas is one of the Mexican artists most loved by the public, who now turns to prayers for her speedy recovery, after having suffered a stroke, which has her in a coma , since Thursday 11 of November.

The actress of 82 years has gained fame and the affection of the people over almost 60 years of artistic career, where he has acted in soap operas, movies, and staging, including the comedy genre.

Pain for his son Pedro Plascencia

And without a doubt Carmelita Salinas, as they affectionately call her, both the public and her companions , has faced difficult moments in your life. The strongest was undoubtedly the death of his son Pedro Plascencia Salinas, who died at the 37 years, victim of lung cancer .

Salinas has always shown great love for her family, and a devastating blow caused her to retire from the stage in 1993, when her eldest son “Pedrito”, as she used to say, he was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer.

For Carmen Salinas, the most important thing at that time was taking care of her son Pedro, so she decided to put her artistic career aside, to give herself fully to her first-born.

Pedro Plascencia died of lung cancer

In a video that Carmen Salinas shared on her YouTube channel , commemorated the anniversary 26 of the death of her son. She recalled that her son suffered from stomach upset, specifically heartburn, for which the actress recommended that she go to the doctor.

Over time, these discomforts worsened and others appeared. It was about severe pain in his back and chest, which began to complicate with a strong cough, which hurt his throat and lungs.

Therefore, Pedro Plascencia, at the insistence of his mother, went to the doctor, who ordered him to do some studies. At first they thought it was a virus contracted on their trip to Alaska, but the result was devastating for the Salinas family.

The doctor gave him the worst news he could hear. Pedro was diagnosed with lung cancer , news that fell like a bomb to Carmen Salinas, who upon hearing the results could not take it anymore and fainted, as she relates in the video he shared on his YouTube channel.

“Ma’am, I don’t have very good news for you. He is invaded with cancer, “Salinas commented through tears when remembering those difficult moments that he went through due to the deteriorating health of his son.

I gave a cry that was heard I believe in the whole world and I passed out. I got really sick. His wife was also very ill “, recalled between sobs and pauses the leading actress.

Cancer has taken away several relatives

And it is that cancer took her parents away years ago, so the diagnosis of her son was devastating for her, who resorted to everything that was in her hands to save the life of “Pedrito”. At that time he said that he put his career aside, since he did not have the courage to work.

But seven months after the diagnosis, the 14 April 1994, her son Pedro died, which left a big hole in Carmen’s life Salinas.

“Today is 19 April, for me it is a very sad day. I had a little son, on November 7, 1956 and I got married that year on January 5 to Pedro Plascencia Ramírez. We had a beautiful son Pedro Ernesto Plascencia Salinas ”, commented the also producer, in a video that she shared in 2016.

After the death of his son, Salinas decided to return to the stage, to give himself to his audience, without stopping to think a single day about his son Pedro Plascencia.

Her pain as a mother

But it was not the only tragedy that Carmen Salinas faced as a mother. The actress recalled that after Pedro was born he had four miscarriages, one of them was the most painful, since she was seven months pregnant and she was able to hold him in her arms. Then she was able to conceive her daughter María Eugenia.

The actress who has participated in various soap operas, also lost her husband Pedro Plascencia Ramírez due to cancer, in 2016.

His brother Sergio Salinas Lozano, also lost the battle against cancer in March this year. She remembered him through a photograph she shared on her Instagram account .

Another of the blows that actress Carmen Salinas had to face was the death of her friend “Chato” Cejudo, who lost the battle against liver cancer.

His dear friend died on 18 April 2012. The actress received the news after attending the mass for the anniversary 18 of the death of her son Pedro Plascencia, for what it is done has been marked for the Mexican artist.

The death of his brothers

Last year, the 12 November Jorge Salinas Dávila, other brother of the actress and her sister-in-law, died as a result of complications from COVID – 19.

Carmen Salinas also recalled the death of her great-grandson in a hospital from Mexico. The actress accused the clinic where her granddaughter Paulina Plascencia was treated of medical negligence.

Now the actress is fighting for her life in a hospital in Mexico City after suffering a stroke. Her relatives emphasize that her condition is delicate and ask the actress’s fans to pray for her speedy recovery.

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