Thursday, October 3

A daily diet of tea or coffee, fruits and vegetables can reduce your risk of dementia in old age

Los polifenoles en el café y el té tienen potencial antiinflamatorio y antioxidante que beneficia a las células del cerebro.
Polyphenols in coffee and tea have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant potential that benefits brain cells.

Photo: Felix Haumann / Pexels

The habit of drinking tea or coffee every day, as well as the consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in flavonoids , can lower your risk of dementia.

Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning (thinking, remembering and reasoning) to the point that it interferes with a person’s life and daily activities person. There are several different forms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.

The National Institutes of Health indicate that dementia is more common to As they get older but is not a normal part of aging.

How tea and coffee can help reduce the risk of dementia

Various studies have associated the consumption of coffee and tea with a lower risk of dementia . Coffee has hundreds of biologically active compounds including caffeine and polyphenols; tea is also rich in polyphenols and contains caffeine, although in lesser amounts.

The Harvard School of Public Health shares that in a CAIDE study (cardiovascular risk factors, aging and dementia), drink 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day in middle age was associated with a significantly lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease later in life.

In a recent study by Japanese researchers, published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, the average coffee consumption of 3 cups a day was associated with a reduction in 50% risk of dementia.

A study in the Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging’s 2016 showed that frequent tea drinking is associated with a lower risk of dementia.

Uma Naidoo, psychiatrist and nutrition expert explains through Mind Body Green the ways in which coffee can protect the brain:

Caffeine . Increases serotonin and acetylcholine, which can stimulate the brain and help stabilize the blood-brain barrier.

Polyphenols . They can act as antioxidants to reduce oxidative damage and inflammation of cells.

Trigonellin . It can activate antioxidants, thereby protecting the blood vessels of the brain.

Harvard Health notes that the brain-protective effects of drinking tea could also come from polyphenols : flavonoids that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant potential; and L-theanine which regulates brain and neurotransmitter activities.

The consumption of coffee and tea should not be excessive. Moderate consumption is considered until 400 mg of caffeine . An 8-ounce cup of coffee contains approximately 95 mg of caffeine; a cup of black tea contains 47 mg of caffeine; and a cup of green tea 28 mg of caffeine. Drinking too much coffee could have a negative effect on your brain health and increase the risk of dementia.

Eating fruits and vegetables can also benefit your brain. The MIND diet developed by researchers to promote a healthy mind and reduce the risk of dementia includes 10 brain healthy foods . Focuses on plant-based foods and limits portions of red meat, candy, cheese, butter, margarine, and fast and fried food.

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