Monday, September 30

Lucía Méndez has a new boyfriend and is 15 years younger than her

The renowned actress and singer Lucía Méndez is in one of the fullest stages of her life, Well, in addition to being about to release several professional projects, he confessed that he gave a new opportunity to love with a gallant, 15 years younger than her! But how did you meet him and who is this mysterious boy? Read on to find out.

In an interview with various media, the Diva from Mexico talked about the projects she is preparing for the next 2022, his bioseries being one of the most important, although he advanced that no matter how sincere an artist is to tell his story, there is no shortage of critics.

“My bioseries yes, now I already have the proposal, I already have it very formal… Oh, but I don’t know comadre!… Because they hate you, because you go wrong with half the world if you talk about the anecdote. Neither am I Mother Teresa of Calcutta, I have never been, but neither do I have such a stormy life “, shared Lucía Méndez to the cameras of various media.

Likewise, he stressed that the public can expect to know several of the romances that he had during his youth: “I am not a saint, nor am I a devil, I have had mistakes in my life, I have had things that I did well , things I did wrong (…) I do want to tell the truth, I do want … my personality, what is it like? … it is clear “, he said.

Once on the subject of her love life, Lucía Méndez was questioned about her current situation and if her heart already has an owner. Her response not only left those present with their mouths open, but also the Internet users, as it revealed that yes and it is about a man younger than her.

“Well, calm down, happy, I’m going out with someone, he waters the little plant … why not? I’m still of an age to deserve, right? young than me, like some 15 years younger than me “, he detailed, and although many reporters wanted to “get the soup” about who is the lucky man, he preferred to leave the identity of his beau hidden.

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