Tuesday, October 8

10-year-old girl hangs herself after months of bullying for her autism and race

El Distrito Escolar de Davis fue puesto recientemente bajo supervisión después de que un informe determinara que era
Davis School District was recently placed under supervision after a report found it to be “willfully indifferent” to racial harassment.

Photo: George Frey / Getty Images

A girl of 03 years he committed suicide after being a victim of bullying for months at his school due to his autism and skin color, according to his devastated family.

Little Isabella Faith Tichenor, from 10 years old, hanged herself and was found dead by her mother Brittany Tichenor-Cox last week, right after telling her mother that she loved her.

The girl, who suffered from autism, had told her family that she was being bullied at Foxboro Elementary School in Utah, but relatives point out that her concerns were ignored by the school and teachers.

For YEARS, Davis School District intentionally ignored complaints of racial harassment. Sadly, 10 yr-old autistic student Isabella Faith Tichenor committed suicide after school admin. and the district did NOTHING to stop a teacher & students from bullying her! pic.twitter.com/ejRsBM8MsF

– Ben Crump (@AttorneyCrump) November 10, 2021

Izzy’s grandfather, Gregory Tichenor, told The Sun newspaper that the abuse received by the little girl was both verbal and physical .

“My daughter went to the teacher and she went to the principal and nothing was done. This has been going on for months and nothing was done, “Tichenor noted.

The Davis School District told local media that they take all incidents and reports of bullying seriously. ”

“ Foxboro Elementary has worked extensively with the family and will continue to provide assistance to them as other people affected by this tragedy. ”

“ At this point, the incident that we are aware of involved another student. The teacher and administration responded promptly and appropriately.

“As with all allegations of bullying, our investigation will continue,” they added.

Davis School District was recently placed under supervision after a report found it to be “willfully indifferent” to racial harassment.

The Department’s report Justice noted: “We found that the district was deliberately indifferent to the racially hostile climate in many of its schools.”

Gregory added, “Izzy was a beautiful girl. He enjoyed the playground and being with the family. She was close to her five siblings.

“She had told her mother that she loved her and that she loved God and that was the last time that they spoke. Then they found her. ”

Izzy’s mom Brittany told KUTV: “As any parent would, we reported this abuse to their teachers, school administration and district administration.

“Any. Nothing was done to protect Izzy. The children’s behavior was not corrected, so this child’s torment continued day after day. ”

Gregory said the school is “Known for” ignoring accusations of harassment and racism. He said that even allegations that Izzy was named with the n-word were ignored.

“We believe this was racially motivated. This is what they do. This is its composition, but it needs to change ”.

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