Monday, October 7

Winter time: Tips to adapt quickly to the time change

We are already very close to winter; Little by little, the hours of the sun are reducing and that is why this Sunday we have made the time change, thus officially starting the called winter time .

Changes Timetables have been in place for several years and have the purpose of saving energy. And although it seems to be something positive, the truth is that it has certain repercussions on the health and functioning of the body.

Winter will last practically 6 months and in these first days, and even weeks, it can be difficult to adapt to the change of time.

The first days are usually the most difficult for our biological clock, so it is common to feel sleepy and unproductive, especially in the morning. This occurs because our body is already used to a routine of light and its alteration can impair the production of melatonin, a hormone in the body that plays an important role in sleep, wakefulness and mood.

In addition, data from the Spanish Sleep Society (SES), although the time change is only 60 minutes, alters the time of exposure to the sun during the day and unbalances the biological clock, which takes several days, even weeks, to readjust. An abrupt change in our rest can cause symptoms such as irritability, drowsiness, lack of concentration, headache or even mild digestive discomfort.

Before all this, here we share some tips to help you prepare for the time transition.

Tips to better adapt to winter time

1) Establish a sleep routine. According to experts, our body needs around 24 hours to get used to schedule changes. However, this will depend on our usual rest routine; If we sleep and wake up at approximately the same time every day, the change will be more bearable.

2) Avoid naps. If you are used to taking a break after eating, it is best that during the first days of winter time you reduce or avoid it so as not to alter your biological clock even more.

3) Take advantage of the hours of natural light. Light is essential for our circadian rhythm; the patterns that dictate the body’s internal clock for eating, sleeping, and waking. For this reason, in the winter time we must expose ourselves to light as soon as possible, try to open the blinds when we get up or go out for a short walk in the morning to help our body readjust.

4) Do not do stimulating activities before sleeping. Ideally before sleeping is that your body is completely relaxed. Avoid intense physical training a few hours before and put aside electronic devices, such as cell phones, since they stimulate the brain and can interfere with the production of melatonin.

5) Eat a light and early dinner. Large dinners before bed can cause slow digestion that causes tiredness and difficulty falling asleep. It is advisable to consume light food approximately 2 hours before going to bed.

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