Monday, October 7

Facebook “broke” its own rules and allowed plagiarized or recycled content

Este tipo de contenido principalmente causa división y contiene información falsa.
This type of content is primarily divisive and contains false information.

Photo: Brendon Thorne / Getty Images



The social network F acebook allowed plagiarized or recycled content to flourish on its platform despite the fact that its Their own regulations prohibit it, according to an internal report to which the Wall Street Journal had access.

According to the document, about a 40% of Facebook page traffic in 2018 occurred on sites where most of the content had been stolen or reused , according to a report prepared that year by one of its data analysts Jeff Allen.

Facebook pages, unlike personal profiles that belong to individuals, are used by companies and organizations to disseminate content.

Facebook analysts also noted that the company reacted slow to act against copyright violations for fear of exposing themselves to legal liability.

Allen, who left the social network founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2019, noted that the easiest way for Facebook Pages to gain high impact was to go to pages with a good number of followers and republish the content.

Facebook researchers said about 40% of traffic to pages in 2018 went to those with stolen content and that Facebook has been slow to crack down on copyright infringement whPzFBZcEL

– The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) November 09, 2021

In addition, Facebook experts assured in the report that it is a pattern that is being used by both US and foreign groups, that publish content that causes division or contains false information.

“This is the basic plan used by many of the harmful subjects (of the network),” he said To the len in his report of 2019.

The Wall Street Journal assures also that plagiarized content continues to be a formula for success on Facebook, based on data published by the company this year from the most popular publications.

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