Wednesday, October 23

Hispanic Family Sued Orange County Hospital Over Mother's Death After Finding Worms In Her Mouth And Nose

Los gusanos aparecieron en la nariz y boca de la mujer cuando estaba hospitalizada.
The worms appeared in the woman’s nose and mouth when she was hospitalized.

Photo: ERIKA SANTELICES / AFP / Getty Images

A family filed a lawsuit against an Orange County medical center for the death of their mother after worms were found in her mouth and nose while hospitalized .

Lawsuit was filed against the South Goast Global Medical Center, from the city of Santa Ana, where the woman, Concepción Covarrubias, from 65 years , was admitted in the summer of 2019 COVID victim – 19.

Carolina Mijango declared in an interview for ABC7 that she and her siblings collaborated with the team of nurses at the medical center when her mother was under treatment for the coronavirus, and mentioned that she became friends with the hospital workers.

Mijango said that trust with nurses felt like a tradition rmeras because they told her that her mother was fine and that she was going to be fine because they were giving her the best care.

At the end of July, Mrs. Covarrubias tested negative for COVID – 19 and her children tried to transfer her to a center rehabilitation, but her request was denied .

The daughter expressed that in the following weeks their mother’s infection levels increased and they considered the conditions in her makeshift hospital room unacceptable .

During a visit to his mother, Manuel Mijango said that he saw her very badly and knew that she was suffering.

In video call they discover the worms

Concepción’s son discovered the worms in his mother’s nose and mouth while laughing aliz There was a video call.

The children of Concepción Covarrubias filed the lawsuit in which they accuse for elder abuse, neglect and wrongful death .

A hospital spokesperson told ABC7 that the medical center would not comment while the litigation remains pending.

According to the complaint filed in court, the notes of a nurse indicated that two or three dozen worms began to emerge from the patient’s nose .

Concepción Covarrubias died a few days later, the 21 August .

It is planned that Concepción Covarrubias’ relatives and hospital representatives held a court meeting in January 2022.

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