Friday, September 20

Twitter blocks Trump's account for 12 hours after his followers occupied the Capitol

Twitter ordered this Wednesday to remove three posts from the president Donald Trump that violated the civic integrity policy of the social network and block their account during 12 hours. The company anticipates that the account could be permanently blocked if its policies continue to be violated .

” As a result of the unprecedented and ongoing violent situation in Washington, DC, we have required to delete three tweets @realDonaldTrump

posted today for serious and repeated violations of our civic integrity policy “, the company wrote when opening a thread of tweets.

This means that the account of @ realDonaldTrump will be locked for 12 hours following the removal of these Tweets. If the Tweets are not removed, the account will remain locked.

– Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) January 7, 2021

One of Trump’s posts that deleted the social network was the video in which the president addresses his followers after a group forcibly entered the Capitol and provoked riots that cost the life of a woman . Also deleted was the message in which Trump said that his Vice President Mike Pence does not have the “courage” to do what he thinks is necessary.

Facebook and YouTube also removed the video of Trump from his followers and organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League and the NAACP have called for the suspension of network accounts completely social. On Twitter the hastags “#DeleteHisAccount” ( Delete your account) and “#DeleteTrump” (Eliminate Trump) are already trending. Journalists, politicians and other public figures have joined the petition on the social network.

The company does not rule out that “permanent suspension” of @realDonaldTrump in case there are more violations of its rules, including civil integrity and violent threats policies. Twitter’s decision, as reported by Twitter Safety, is supported by its public interest policy.

“We will continue to evaluate the situation in real time,” says the social network. which also promises to “keep the public informed.” The decision is unprecedented and is a serious blow to Trump since it is one of his main channels of communication .